Feng Shui 2 Archives

Bleeding Gen Con: Two Of The Best Four Days In Gaming
Laws' Feng Shui 2 and the gorgeous Heroquest: Glorantha book from Moon Design. The shocking news of the convention was the announcement that the principles of Moon Design, who have produced the Heroquest books, as well as the Guide To Glorantha (which on Wednesday night won the DIana Jones Award for excellence in gaming), would be taking over as the principles of Chaosium Press,[...]
Bleeding Gen Con: This Year's Must Have Games At Gen Con
This year's Gen Con is going to be exploding with games, old and new, that will appeal to someone out there in the world of gaming. Feng Shui 2 is a game from one of the great thinkers of tabletop RPGs, Robin D Laws This second edition of the Feng Shui game was successfully crowdfunded by Laws and publisher Atlas[...]