warners Archives

Saturday Runaround: Tracking Down Tony Harris And Walking Dead Bibles At ECCC
It will be material written in the voice of the main character, Callum Israel and will both give backstory and context and even expand on the stories in the main part of the book. These are not "extras" in the familiar sense of the term — sketches and script excerpts, letters, pinups, etc., but actual content;[...]
The Big Big Bang Theory Theory
And owned by Warners, it's only natural that it looks to DC Comics for its comic book hooks (although if they need a comic creator anyone has actually heard of, they have to go for Stan Lee). I understand that, from recordings, one episode of the new series makes an explicit reference[...]
And Finally… When Warners Wanted Marvel To Publish DC
He's just got to 1984, when Warners, apparently, asked if Marvel would be interested in publishing DC. Bill Sarnoff was the Big Cheese, I forget his exact title, of the publishing arm of Warner Communications Among the operations under his purview was DC Comics Bill introduced himself, as if that was necessary What he wanted to[...]
Now Nonplayer Gets A Movie Deal
And on its release it became one of the hottest comics in the country. Of course we also knew we wouldn't see hide nor hair of the second issue until at least November. Now Variety reports that  Nonplayer is the latest comic to get a movie option, with Warners signing up for the film rights, with producers[...]
Ghost Projekt To Be Syfy TV Mini Series
Created by Joe Harris and Steve Rolston, the supernatural spy comic tells the story of an weapons inspector being called to an abandoned Russian faculty to find a stolen weapon that's very different indeed… I also understand that Oni has an even bigger deal for a feature film with Warners, linked to Harry Potter producers, over[...]
Fox Newspaper Gives Warners' Green Lantern One Star
"Die, Rupert Murdoch, die!" The British newspapers published by News Group Newspapers of News International, itself a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, who own Twentieth Century Fox, was very kind to X-Men First Class, as Private Eye recently pointed out, with uncritical star interview after interview. For Warners' upcoming Green Lantern movie, they have been less[...]
Thirty-Six Months Of Superheroes From Warners
Licensing.biz tells us that Warners is working from a three year calendar matching DC Comics with licensing partners, that covers the new Green Lantern Film, new Superman and Batman films (yes, films) and the Batman Live! arena tour. Deals include Green Lantern appearing on bottle of Pepsi Boom in Italy Mattel toys all over the world[...]
What's In The Marc Toberoff – Superman Stolen Document?
with those heisted documents. That Toberoff wants control of Superman for himself has been a central tenet in Warners' case against Toberoff, and that he poisoned the relationship between the parties leading to these court cases. Hollywood Reporter has revelaed what's in the stolen documents that DC Comics is now being allowed to use in its[...]