Comics Archives

WonderCon '15 – A Satisfying Alternative To SDCC? Plus Photogallery
All totaled, there was more than 200 hours of programming featuring comics, movies, and TV shows. The best panels for me seemed to take place on Friday featuring a special tribute to Star Trek, the top geek movies of 1985, and a focus on dangerous women in comics. Friday also featured the world premiere of the new[...]
A Comic Show – It's Domesday For Deadpool!
Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes: Hey Fandom, I'm back with another stack of New Comics Now! We've got Convergence week one, a bunch of Image books, and the Death of Deadpool! Convergence #1 has Earth 2's survivors vs Tellos' Domesday What I didn't like was it again, like zero, was all set[...]
From Strip To Script – Global Frequency #2 And 'Rescue Fiction'
"Rescue fiction" is the idea that when something weird or dangerous is happening or about to happen, we (humanity) are saved from it not by some kind of extranormal outsider (think superhero), but by a team of human beings being inventive and clever to solve the crisis with science and technology. I dunno, it's a nice[...]
Keeping Cool Undercover – Catching Up On Lady Killer #3 And #4
I've been a bit behind on the two most recent issues of Lady Killer from Dark Horse Comics, written by Joelle Jones and Jamie S Rich, with art by Joelle Jones Earlier today, I decided to set aside some time to catch up on what the 1950s hit-woman has been up to When I last[...]
Busiek And DeCampi Take Up The Gauntlet
Comic book writers Kurt Busie, Alex DeCampi and friends had a conversation on Twitter. It started off so nicely. What place tasteful indeed. Well, DeCampi