Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment
Why Comic Piracy Suffered A Temporary Setback Last Week
Last Wednesday was significant in terms of comic book piracy. As retailers flew to assemble in Portland for ComicsPRO, there was a significant drop in comics being pirated and torrented.
And why? Because one individual, a British uploader known as Nemesis43 had gone missing.
Had he or she been taken down by a court order? Arrested? Had his or her technology confiscated by the police? Not a bit of it. Nemesis43 was just busy, moving house.
Several hours later, a few other uploaders decided to start to share the burden of buying and uploading every comic book released that day on ComiXology – no one it seems actually scans books anymore. But it did reveal the truth that Nemesis43 has become so ubiquitous in the comic book pirating scene that everyone else has, basically, stopped.
Once upon a time I read a manual created for the pirate comics community, detailing the process of creating the best uploads. Digital comics has made that experience and knowledge base irrelevant, and if one person was willing to buy all those titles and convert them into pirated digital form, then everyone else was happy to let them do it.
Until they move house that is…