Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Speculator Corner | Tagged: Comics, image, market, Nate Simpson, Nonplayer, preview, speculator
Stop Nonplayer Becoming The Next Big Speculator Hit
This is a preview of the upcoming Image comic book, Nonplayer by Nate Simpson. Pages posted to his DeviantArt page and embedded in this handy dandy flash viewing file below.
Gorgeous yes? Where Jamie McKelvie meets James Jean meets Jeff Smith meets Geoff Darrow meets Art Adams in a massive orgy with Moebius in the middle of it all. There's a picture. A multi-reality narrative that takes computer gaming as its base and plunges in, in the manner of Inception or The Matrix by way of David Lynch and Studio Ghibli.
But it's a new book. An unfamiliar work from an unfamiliar name and that's just the kind of comic that gets underordered by retailers. And who can blame them, they aren't in the business of taking massive risks on every new Tom, Dick or Harriet who gets through Diamond's restrictions. And who can blame a publisher for assigning a print run based on retailer orders. And who can blame the speculators for seeing the gap between demand and supply and finding a way to make some serious money on it. Bleeding Cool gets a headline, the publisher puts out a second print and eventually everyone gets a copy. It happened with Chew, Morning Glories, Skullkickers, 27 and it looks like Who Is Jake Ellis is the latest benficiary.
But there are always some consumers who fall by the wayside. Those who don't want to wait for a second print and so don't bother. And then forget.
Well, tomorrow is the last day that Diamond can take orders for this book befire Image Comics fixes a first print run.
If you want a copy, why not let your retailer know? If you are a retailer why not check your orders? This is a gorgeous book, a lot of people are going to want copies, why not rise to the challenge? Consumer, retailer, publisher and distributor? Let the supply meet the demand straight away without having to go through a bizarre game of rock, paper, scissors with ordering numbers.
It may deprive the speculator market of a shiny new bauble. But it should make for a bunch of happy readers.
Oh balls, it's not going to work is it? The comic book industry is a superstitious and cowardly lot…