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ECCC: The Vertigo New Blood Panels – And The End Of iZombie
Kelly Sean writes for Bleeding Cool from ECCC;
In attendance we have Eric Trautmann, Steve Lieber, Brandon Jerwa, Shelly Bond, Bill Willingham, Mike Allred and Dustin Nguyen.
Having technical difficulties with the laptop to projector no slides yet.
Shooters is a contemporary military graphic novel from Trautmann, Jerwa, Lieber. Centers around a special ops soldier with post-traumatc stress discorder and his re-entry into combat with a private military company. Lieber says likes drawing violence with consequences, not so much violence for violence's sake. And ythe book is not-so-loosely based on Eric Trautmann's brothers death in Iraq in 2005.
Fairest with Bill Willingham: He insists that Fairest is not Fables Lite, or Fables Part Two, it's a vehicle for Willingham to take a closer look at some of the characters. Willigham wants to focus on a smaller group of characters but still firmly in the Fables universe. He wants to write a romantic comedy, a love triangle including a small bottled djinn, Ali Baba, and someoene else. Phil Jimenez covers the first arc interiors that are amazingly detailed and beautiful his best work to date, while Adam Hughes will provide covers for the lot. The series will feature other writers including; Lauren Beukes. South African writer doing a Rapunzel story. Sean E Williams is writing an Indian folklore story.
Mike Allred has stated that iZombie will be coming to an end with issue 28 in August. He really enjoys that it takes place in Eugene, Oregon; his and Chris Roberson's favorite town apparantly. A massive galactic event will occur to bring the series to an end.
Dustin Nguyen is working on an American vampire mini series taking place in the fifties, American Vampire "Lord of Nightmares" for July. He has the series halfway laid out. Nguyen is painting covers and will be inking his own work for the first time. He said that working with Scott Snyder has been great.
The panel quickly hyped were the four new Vertigo books that came out in February. Saucer Country getting the strongest response from the crowd.
Adam Hughes approached Willingham wanting to do covers for Fables, Willingham wasn't about to kick James Jean of the book so he offered Hughes the Fairest gig and was very happy it came together. Ten years of Fables is coming up in May. There is no finishing point for the series in sight but they are happy to keep it going. Willingham talked about the beautiful interiors on Fables from Mark Buckingham. The new wrap around cover for the newest printing of TPB volume one will include an eight page story from the Peter and Max prose novel, colored for the first time.
There were questions asked and answers given.
For Mike Allred, asking for tips for other couples that are afraid of working together?
His wife Laura Allred has colored all his work full time for fifteen years and the experience has brought them closer, he highly recommends it. How long does it take you. To draw a cover? Five to ten minutes he says jokingly.
Are there any plans for Fables plans for an oversize hc or absolute?
Doing deluxe editions
For Bill Willingham, Television series Once Upon a Time, did they change the story enough? Are they tapping the same well?
Sure, he wasn't the first to tap that well and won't be the last. Allred stirs the pot pointing out that once upon a time uses two worlds like Fables, Willingham counters that Fables has many more worlds than that.
For Allred, will you be doing a Dead Presidents one shot characters from iZombie?
No plans. He would be very interested in doing that though
More Babe the Blue Ox appearing in Fables?
Yes unless once upon a time rips them off. (Laughs)
Neil Gaiman ripping off Willingham regarding Proposition Player and American Gods?
Not at all. Moving on.
Bleeding Cool contributor Jeff sang Rock And Roll Suicide for the panel and won a Fables Deluxe HC. Glad to hear our contributors are enjoying themselves…