Posted in: Comics, Digital | Tagged: dc comics, digital
At a New York press event tonight, DC Comics announced DC2 or DC Squared, an attempt to create a new kind of digital comic book – the kind that can only be told on digital platforms,
One is the Alex De Campi school of digital comics, adopted by Thrillbent and Marvel Infinity, laying new panels on top of old ones to create new panel-to-panel storytelling experience. But this will also involve sound and music.
Another is from the Steve Jackson school, called DC2 Multiverse allowing readers to change the direction of stories in the direction they choose. As Hank Kanalz so ably shows us above…
The first books to be published as DC2 titles in this manner are Batman '66 and Batman: Arkham Origins, that latter of which which be created in the DC2 Multiverse style.