This week, Tom King, Mikel Janin and DC Comics have just put a monster in the White House (Wonder Woman #17 Spoilers)
Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: axel alonso, cb cebulski, Comics, entertainment, lucasfilm, marvel, Marvel Comics, star wars
Marvel Comics Met With LucasFilm Last Week
I hear gossip that that Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso, and executives CB Cebulski and Jordan D White visited LucasFilm last week for discussions about Star Wars comics.
I'm told that we're looking at a couple of monthly series but creative teams are not yet settled. I'm told that we're looking at a couple of monthly series but creative teams are not yet settled. Though I've been advised to look for a writer who has just left a popular project and a popular indie writer with Image work and a recently finished Marvel Now title…
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