Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batman, Comics, dc, dc comcs, entertainment, neal adams, omnibus, spring 2015
A Neal Adams Batman Omnibus And More For 2015 From DC Comics
Lots of big comics coming from DC Comics. Some expected, some not. But all in the DC Comics Spring 2015 listings. Thanks to Aaron Hale for kicking this off for us.
A new rapport with Neal Adams seems to have resulted in the following,
Neal Adams Omnibus (June 2, 2015)
This hardcover omnibus collects: Material from Batman #200, 203 and 210; The Brave and the Bold #75-76 and 79-85; Detective Comics #370, 372, 385, 389, 391, and 392; and World's Finest Comics #174-176, 178-180, 182-183, 185, and 186. Batman #217, 220-222, 224-227, 229-231, The Brave and the Bold #86, 88-90, 93, 95, Detective Comics #394-403, 405-311, World's Finest #199, 200, 202. Batman #232, 234-241, 243-246, 251, 255; Batman Annual #14; Batman Black & White #4; The Brave and the Bold #99, Detective Comics #412-422, 439, 600; Heroes Against Hunger; Limited Collectors Edition C-25, C-51, C-59; Robin #1; Saga of Ra's Al Ghul #4; World's Finest #211, 244-246, 258. Batman : Odyssey Vol. 1 issues #1-6 and Vol. 2 issues #1-7.
There's a third JSA Omnibus, in case that's all you thought you were getting.
JSA Omnibus Vol. 3 (June 30, 2015)
Collects JSA #76-87, Justice Society of America #1-28, Justice League of America #8-10, Justice Society of America Annual #1, JSA Kingdom Come Special: Superman #1, JSA Kingdom Come Special: Magog #1, JSA Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom #1
And, a little extra that couldn't fit in.
America vs. The Justice Society (July 28, 2015)
Collects America Vs. The Justice Society #1-4 by Roy Thomas and Jerry Ordway,
There's plenty more Geoff Johns Green Lantern… and presumably more to come there as well.
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 2 (August 4, 2015)
Collects Green Lantern 26-52, Blackest Night 0-7, DC Universe 0, Untold Tales of Blackest Night 1-2, Blackest Night Tales of the Corps 1-2
George Perez may be exclusive at Boom now, but DC still have these projects to line up…
Wonder Woman by George Perez Omnibus (August 25, 2015)
Collects Wonder Woman #1-24, and Wonder Woman Annual #1.
And more from Perez' stablemate too.
Orion by Walter Simonson Omnibus (March 31, 2015)
Collects Orion #1-25 and stories from Jack Kirby's Fourth World #9-11 and 13.
As well as the Omnibus, there are the oversized slipcased Absolute editions. They one it takes people three years to read. The Absolute Green Arrow by Kevin Smith will be replacing the now-cancelled Green Arrow Deluxe Edition that would have contained these issues. Those issues are then followed by Brad Meltzer's run, #16-#21, as Green Arrow: Archer's Quest Deluxe Edition
As previously mentioned we also have the Absolute Transmetropolitan Vol. 1 and Absolute Y The Last Man Vol. 1.
There are also collections of Marv Wolfman's work, including Deathstroke #1-#9, New Teen Titans #70 with Deathstroke; The Terminator Vol. 1: Assassins.
The New 52 China Mieville Dial H gets a Deluxe Edition which might suggest they are grooming him for more – in competition with Dial H editor Karen Berger and Judith Regan's new imprint perhaps?
And there will also be Robin The Boy Wonder: A Celebration of 75 Years, Shazam: A Celebration of 75 Years, Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years volumes next year as well.
And did anyone expect an Aquaman: Sub Diego collection? Here it comes… by Will Pfeifer and Patrick Gleason collecting #15-22.
More unexpected books include Showcase Presents: Blue Devil Vol. 1 collecting Blue Devil #1-18 and Fury of Firestorm #24.
Another Warren Ellis flipbook Ocean/Orbiter Deluxe Edition with multi-media attention still on Ocean.
A Batman: The New Adventures collection gathering Batman #402-403, #408-416, and Annual #11,
And a personal favourite for me? Swamp Thing: The Root of All Evil collecting the Mark Millar Swamp Thing run #140-#150. I do hope they'll follow this shortly with River Run…
UPDATE: Yes, the Question collection, Falling Into Place, is the Wildstorm mini-series Devil's In The Details, by Rick Veitch and Tommy Lee Edwards, part of the Superstorm line, that, well, didn't actually happen.
Also on the way for 2015:
- 100 Bullets Book Two
- Adventures of Superman Vol. 3
- All Star Western Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- American Vampire Vol. 7
- American Vampire Vol. 8
- Aquaman and the Others Vol. 2
- Aquaman Vol. 5: Sea of Storms
- Aquaman Vol. 6
- Aquaman: Sub-Diego
- Arkham Manor Vol. 1
- Astro City: Private Lives
- Astro City: Victory
- Batgirl Vol. 5: Deadline (The New 52)
- Batgirl Vol. 6
- Batman '66 Vol. 2
- Batman '66 Vol. 3
- Batman '66/Green Hornet
- Batman Adventures Vol. 2
- Batman Adventures: Mad Love Deluxe Edition
- Batman and Robin Vol. 5: The Big Burn (The New 52)
- Batman and Robin Vol. 6: The Hunt for Robin
- Batman Arkham: Riddler
- Batman Beyond: Justice Lords Beyond
- Batman Noir: Dark Knight Returns
- Batman Vol. 5: Zero Year – Dark City
- Batman Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Batman: Arkham Origins
- Batman: Cataclysm (New Edition)
- Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 5: Gothopia (The New 52)
- Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 6: Icarus (The New 52)
- Batman: Earth One Vol. 2
- Batman: Eternal Vol. 2
- Batman: Gothic Deluxe Edition
- Batman: Harley Quinn
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Vol. 4
- Batman: The Dark Knight Unwrapped by David Finch
- Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol. 2
- Batman/Superman Vol. 2: Game Over (The New 52)
- Batman/Superman Vol. 3 (The New 52)
- Batwing Vol. 5 (The New 52)
- Batwoman Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell
- Bodies
- Catwoman Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Constantine Vol. 4 (The New 52)
- DC Comics: Zero Year (The New 52)
- Deadshot: Bulletproof
- Deathstroke Vol. 1
- DMZ Deluxe Edition Book Four
- Earth 2 Vol. 4: The Dark Age (The New 52)
- Earth 2 Vol. 5: The Kryptonian (The New 52)
- Earth 2: World's End Vol. 1
- Ex Machina Book Five
- Fables Vol. 21
- Fables Vol. 22
- Fables: Deluxe Edition Book Ten
- Fairest Vol. 5
- FBP: Federal Bureau of Physics Vol. 3
- Filth Deluxe Edition
- Flash Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Forever Evil
- Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest
- Girl Who Played with Fire
- Gotham Academy Vol. 1
- Gotham By Midnight Vol. 1
- Gotham City Sirens Book Two
- Graphic Ink: The DC Comics Art of Ivan Reis
- Grayson Vol. 1
- Green Arrow Vol. 3: The Trial of Oliver Queen
- Green Arrow Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 2
- Green Lantern Corps Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Green Lantern Vol. 5: Test of Wills (The New 52)
- Green Lantern Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Green Lantern: New Guardians Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Hot in the City (The New 52)
- Harley Quinn Vol. 2 (The New 52)
- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Vol. 4: What Lies Within
- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Vol. 5
- Hinterkind Vol. 3
- Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse
- Infinity Man and the Forever People Vol. 1
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Year 2 Vol. 1
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Year 2 Vol. 2
- Invisibles Book Four Deluxe Edition
- JLA Vol. 7
- John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. 11: Last Man Standing
- Justice League 3000 Vol. 2 (The New 52)
- Justice League Dark Vol. 5 (The New 52)
- Justice League of America Vol. 2: Survivors of Evil (The New 52)
- Justice League United Vol. 1
- Justice League Vol. 5: Forever Heroes (The New 52)
- Justice League Vol. 6: Injustice League (The New 52)
- Klarion Vol. 1
- Lobo Vol. 1
- Names
- New 52: Futures End Vol. 2
- New Suicide Squad Vol. 1 (The New 52)
- New Teen Titans Vol. 2
- Nightwing Vol. 2: Rough Justice
- Question: Falling in Place
- Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 6
- Red Lanterns Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Sandman: Overture Deluxe Edition
- Secret Origins Vol. 2
- Secret Six Vol. 2
- Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman Vol. 1
- Showcase Presents: The Flash Vol. 5
- Sinestro Vol. 2 (The New 52)
- Smallville Season 11 Vol. 6: Titans
- Supergirl Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Superman – Action Comics Vol. 5: What Lies Beneath (The New 52)
- Superman – Action Comics Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Superman Vol. 5 (The New 52)
- Superman Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Superman Vs. Darkseid
- Superman: Doomed
- Superman: Krypton Returns (The New 52)
- Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 1: Power Couple
- Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 2
- Swamp Thing Vol. 6 (The New 52)
- Teen Titans Go! Vol. 1
- Teen Titans Vol. 1 (The New 52)
- Tiny Titans: Return to the Treehouse
- Top 10
- Trinity of Sin Vol. 1
- Unwritten Vol. 11
- Wake
- Wonder Woman Vol. 5: Flesh (The New 52)
- Wonder Woman Vol. 6: Bones
- Worlds' Finest Vol. 5 (The New 52)
- Y The Last Man Book Two