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Thursday Runaround – DC's Big Comics
ListWatch: DC Comics lists DCU trade paperbacks and hardcovers coming this autumn. We get a confirmation on my big buy of the year, Absolute All Star Superman, Hitman continues to get reprinted which bodes well for teh continuance of the collections, a Legion Of Superheroes: Prologue To Darkness gets reprinted, which may indicate a reprint of the Great Darkness War in the offing and Starman Omnibus 5 conbtains a few post-Starman extras. Vertigo does the same as wel as announcing new Vertigo Crime graphic novel A Sickness In The Family by Denise Mina and Antonio Fuso, a massive second volume of The Losers collecting the last twenty issues, Peter & Max: A Fables Novel by Bill Willingham and Steve Leialoha, The Green Woman by Peter Straub, Michael Easton and John Bolton and plenty more. While Wildstorm punts out Absolute Promethea Book Two and, in the wake of Red, collect Warren Ellis, Amanda conner and Jimmy Palmiotti's Two Step
Light'N'BrightyWatch: Marvel PR up Busiek, Cornwell, Remender and Slott's new series Age Of Heroes, part of the Heroic Age banner.
Kurt Busiek's issue looks at New York mayor J Jonah Jameson reacting to the new paradigm, Paul Cornell looks at the Young Masters and the MI-13's post-Siege stories, Dan Slott gives Spider-Man and Squirrel Girl some celebration, while Rick Remender takes on Doctor Voodoo during world party time.
MuseWatch: High On Fire have recorded a new track for their upcoming album Snakes Of The Devine inspired by the Image comic Bastard Samurai by Miles Gunter, Mike Oeming and Kelsey Shannon. Singer/guitarist Matt Pike talks about it here.
Reading makes my world go round. A friend of mine created this comic book called Bastard Samurai, so I wrote a song called "Bastard Samurai" on the new record. He's a big High on Fire fan so I did it in honor of his comic book. It's about this Yakuza samurai that runs around. He's in this gambit, and there's this girl guiding him for the Yakuza. The Yakuza bets on him, and he's randomly attacked at any time. They gamble on it. They know when it's going to happen but he doesn't. He's such a killer—he just kills everything in his way all the time. For a comic book, it's a really cool story. I based the song off that.
You can hear a stream of the track, here.
WarWatch: DC annouce their 100 Minute War from Sterling Gates and James Robinson as part of the War Of The Supermen, four issues, over one month, kicking off after the War Of The Supermen #0 on Free Comic Book Day, telling about a minute a page…
StanWatch: Stan Lee gets into bed with Archie Comics for new series Super Seven, where he will playa starring role looking after seven alien heroes on Earth, to be simultaneously worked up asn an animated show… you know, Stan could steal Betty and Veronica away from Archie any day. Then what would the boy do?
ZimmermanWatch: Whatever happened to Ron Zimmerman? Hyped by Marvel at the time as the Next! Big! Writer", was a writer/actor/producer working on shows such as V.I.P., 7th Heaven and a personal favourite, Action. His appearances on the Howard Stern show saw him recruited by Marvel Comics to wqork on a number of titles including Rawhide Kid, Ultimate Adventures and Get Kraven. He found an unwelcome fanbase and soon fled to the Hollywood Hills never to be heard from again. Well, Mark Marvro on the Bendis board writes;
The head writer of the pilot I'm working on brought on his good friend to help him punch up the script and it was none other than Ron Zimmerman. I remember buying pretty much all of his stuff back in high school. The guy was really nice. Hope he comes out with something else..
The Bendis Board delve into his history…
FilmWatch: And the Hughes brothers want to do Akira…