Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics
Friday Runaround – You're No Ryan Reynolds
LanternWatch: Vintage Corps by Kid Liger;
DoctorWatch: Tony Lee's Doctor Who, signed and on eBay for one day, to raise money for Children In Need. Also – tonight's telethon on BBC1 has a first preview of Christmas Day's Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol. Which is also airing on BBC America on Christmas Day in the States…
AmericanIndianWatch: Patrick Rolo gets profiled by Indian Country Today.
He's been a penciller (the person who draws the figures that'll be colored in) for comics such as "Mortal Kombat," "Iron Man" and, most recently, the "All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z."
SexiestWatch: People Magazine has named Deadpool/Green Lantern Ryan Reynolds the sexiest man alive.
BrumWatch: A Brummie reporter walks round DC Comics.
Our guide, BJ Hemann, points out the sad fact that schoolchildren who visited the offices had to be told what phone booths were, as they no longer exist in America.
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
Senate panel approves domain name seizure bill
A controversial proposal allowing the government to pull the plug on Web sites accused of aiding piracy is closer to becoming a federal law.
A closer look at January's WEIRD WORLDS
Well, not to overuse the phrase but we went straight to the source on this one and got some art and comments on two of the new characters showing up in the first issue – Tanga and Garbage Man – from their respective creators, Maguire and Lopresti. So, take it away, Kevin:
Charles Burns | Books | Interview | The A.V. Club
For more than 30 years, cartoonist Charles Burns has been creeping people out.
'Game of Thrones': Exclusive First Look
Fantasy-book series arrives as an HBO epic in 2011; get a sneak peek at 10 photos and see what it's all about
The New | Comic News | News |
"It's an utter and complete overhaul, we ripped it to its studs and rebuilt it," says Seana Baruth, Marvel's Vice President, Digital Product Management.
BBC News – Is Spider-Girl the new Spider-Man?
Writer Paul Tobin told the BBC that it was important to him not to portray her in a "sexualised" way, or as a "trophy" girl.
A Manifesto For Uk Indie Comics In 2010
There are comics on the internet now. If you're good enough, have a decent website, and keep a reliable schedule, you can have a whole career there. The notion of the primacy of a photocopied quasi-zine "small press scene" in the UK is ludicrous. 1 in 4 people in the world can speak English. Questionable Content has half a million readers. It is not rocket science.