Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics
Wednesday Runaround – When Boycott Thor Got Blocked
LateWatch: I reported on plans for Kathy Kane to be a lesbian Batwoman back in 2005. It took a few years to get to an actual series, with issue zero recetly published to acclaim. But issue 1 and 2 have now been cancelled, due to be resolicited for issue 1 shipping in April…
SequelWatch: Warren Ellis' Do Anything 2 is coming…
BigotWatch: The webmaster of the Boycott Thor website got seduced into a phone interview with a Christian radio station, Who then brought on his nemesis, Cody Walker…
DirectorWatch: Duncan Jones might make a graphic novel. Might.
StanWatch: The Red Wing character created by Stan Lee and Neal Adams for the NHL Guardians project. (right)
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
Win This iPad Customized with an original Jim Lee Batman sketch!
Sign up for a DC Digital Comics account with comiXology to enter the sweepstakes.
MTV Geek Talks 'Green Hornet Year One' With Matt Wagner
I'm something or an "originalist" in that I really dig the initial "Golden Age" phase of superheroes and pulp heroes, mainly because the intent of their authors was just so raw and undiluted.
[VIDEO] Arlington Man Loses Gun License Due To Blog About Tucson Shooting « CBS Boston
His views prompted comic book writers like Paul Cornell to tweet his fans, "I can't stop someone selling my books, but please don't buy them from HeavyInk." And another from writer Gail Simone, "You have my pity. May you grow a soul someday, because you desperately are in need of one."
Michael Murphey of iVerse Offers His Take on the Digital Comics Landscape
Right now the people making regular purchases in Comics + are definitely the traditional comic audience for the most part. In the case of Archie and Pocket God, though, it's clear that we're reaching a new readers. Pocket God in particular is a completely new demographic because it's largely fans of the iPhone game.
Marvel Entertainment Promotes TQ Jefferson to VP of Production, Games – Comic Book Resources
Marvel Entertainment has promoted TQ Jefferson to Vice President of Production, Games, it was announced today by Ira Rubenstein, Executive Vice President, Global Digital Media Group, Marvel Entertainment. Reporting to Rubenstein, Jefferson will oversee the development of all Marvel games from concept to final release, collaborating with Marvel's interactive partners including Activision, Capcom, Gazillion, SEGA, THQ and Zen Studios throughout the production process.
Utah Comes For Your Comic Books?
Since comic book stores also sell used books (like graphic novels, squarebound trades, manga) and could easily be classified as such under the revised law, this change has the potential to affect them as well. And don't they have enough problems too without getting dragged into this sort of paperwork quagmire?
The 2011 Eisner Awards: Eisner Awards Now Accepting Submissions for 2011
Comic-Con International (Comic-Con), the largest comic book and popular arts event of its kind in the world, announced today that submissions are being accepted for consideration by the judges for the 2011 Will Eisner Comics Industry Awards.
Gillen becomes the one and only writer of UNCANNY X-MEN, as Matt Fraction leaves one of Marvel's most beloved titles in his cohort's capable hands.
Wonder What The Former Image Executive Director Is Referring To Here
2011 is shaping up as a real you-gotta-read-between-the-lines-VERY-carefully sort of year. And it's hardly started!
Image Comics Introduces New PR & Marketing Coordinator Sarah DeLaine
Image Comics has announced that Sarah deLaine, a long-time Image staff member and former employee of the visionary comic book store Comic Relief, will replace Betsy Gomez as the company's PR & Marketing Coordinator.
My point in that first post is that we're always told digital cuts out all the middle men between creator and reader, but as I illustrated by detailing the percentages we're in exactly the same situation at the moment and I still have no idea what my books sold as downloads. I read online that I had 8 out of the top 10 downloaded comics, but I don't know what the total numbers were. All I know is that my combined income for having the top ten downloads of 2010 is projected to be less I got for one issue of Superman Adventures twelve years ago
your first look at HULK #30, as artist Ed McGuinness returns to the book he helped create and joins red hot writer Jeff Parker for the gamma-irradiated team-up you never thought you'd see
Just When Thor Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Water
Thor Goes Hollywood series of variant covers in honor of the Odinson's upcoming feature film debut.
Walking Dead Graphic Novels Have Legs
There are 13 trade paperback collections, collecting the entire periodical series. Kirkman said the initial printing of the first volume was about 10,000 copies and volume two released about 20,000 copies initially."We've been working our way up. Now we sell 50,000 to 60,000 copies of a trade paperbacks in the first month." Currently, Image said that initial print runs for trade paperback volumes are 100,000 copies.