Posted in: Comics | Tagged: comic con, Comics, entertainment, new york, new york comic con, NYCC
The Women And Men Of Bleeding Cool At New York Comic-Con 2014
Hannah Means-Shannon, Editor-In-Chief of Bleeding Cool, steers the massive con-faring craft known as Bleeding Cool as EIC, and is ridiculously enamored of comic cons, spending way too much time as a roving reporter in years past. She finds most comics of any genre quite interesting and listening to panels addictive. Say Hi if you see her—she's always surprised when people do that. She is easily won over by all forms of caffeine. And anything relating to Hellboy, Domo, or Rocket Raccoon.
Rich Johnston, Head Writer of Bleeding Cool, has been reporting about comics online longer than anyone else, now well into his third decade. New York Comic Con is his natural habitat, and he survives the week on peanuts, raisins and cider from the Irish sports bars. Someone he will make it through the week and back in London in one piece. But not before leaving New York in pieces.
Amanda Gurall is an artist and a freelance writer (until the blue box shows up) who raises two young kids in NYC with her husband, fellow Bleeding Cool writer Rich Epstein. She has a background in and a passion for film and TV especially if space, swords or sloths are involved.
Ray Flook believes that, looking back, the lion was a bad idea. That's why Dr. Shockla is gonna' hook him up with a monkey. He's gonna' teach it taekwondo. That aside, he's been a contributing writer to Bleeding Cool since October 2013; runs his website/blog Old Man Geek (; and you can follow him on on Twitter: @oldmangeek88.
Christine Marie Vinciquarra is a writer, bibliomaniac, Bleeding Cool contributor, and reviewer of Batgirl, Saga, and Rat Queens. While she is a comic con virgin, Christine looks forward to diving into the crowds of NYCC with high hopes for an awesome experience. Some of her favorite things include: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones (the books and the show), and all things Disney. She is currently working on a series of young adult fantasy novels. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram @AWritersWay.
Ra'Chaun Rogers is a writer and hopeful cartoonist. When he's not working at New York City's Forbidden Planet comics he's practicing wing chun, going to school or strumming his guitar while singing horribly. In the winter of 2012 he published his first comic the Hierophants and in 2013 co-wrote the comic GodCell. He's currently working on a bunch of things including comic, music and web-series reviews and articles on the portrayal of people of color in comic books as well as their representation in the industry.
Hello, everyone! My name is Kirk Staley, and I am a deaf reporter for Bleeding Cool, but I can hear very well, as in 90% of the dialogue. This will be my 2nd New York Comic Con! My favorite TV Shows are Agents of SHIELD, Sleepy Hollow, and Black Sails. In my free time, I enjoy swimming every day, and I like reading fanfiction, and I do play computer games. I might be covering press sessions and doing photography for panels for this New York Comic Con. Here's my Twitter Signature. @kauthor
June Vigants ("June" like the month + Pig with a V+ants [like the bug]) is a Cartoonist and an SVA graduate. Interests include horror flicks, biographies, her stratocaster, and comics of all genres. She loves reading new stuff and chatting, so say "Hi" (and let's trade minis!). Follow @JuneRevolver for more and check out or for comics and other projects.
Mathias Beamen wants to live in a world filled with superpowers and opposite forces in non-stop opposition. A world where he could date super strong green, red or blue women and eat infinity of chimichangas meanwhile being a global force for badassery. Instead of it he lives in Brussels (heart of Europe), Belgium. As a business analyst in a big Belgian insurances company; his world takes form in his head when he's dreaming at his office, and at his fingertips when he's reading some comic books (to be honest way too much comic books) or writing fictional stories. He finds inspiration in the movies and the urban art when he's not busy doing sport and driving his motorbike/car.
Shawn Perry is a comic-book enthusiast who loves self-expression,hyperbolic rambling and Aztec t-shirts. Look for him chatting up artists, goofing around with his cosplaying friends, collecting sandman back-issues and listening intently during panels at NYCC. Resides in East Hartford CT but a once and always New Yorker with a heart as big as the apple.
Sofia Annunziata, more commonly known by her alias Potter Cat is a teen reporter for Bleeding Cool. She spends her free time fangirling and is a proud member of many fandoms. She is also an avid animal advocate and violinist, alternating between her hobbies of kitten juggling and her new found addiction to musical theatre.
Thom Dunn is a Boston-based writer, musician, homebrewer, and new media artist. He enjoys Oxford commas, metaphysics, and romantic clichés (especially when they involve whiskey), and he firmly believes that Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" is the single greatest atrocity committed against mankind. A graduate of Clarion Writer's Workshop at UCSD & Emerson College, Thom has technically received a Tony Award. Also he totally beat Joss Whedon in armwrestling once. You can follow his continuing adventures at or on twitter @thomdunn.
Jeremy Konrad is the Senior Star Wars Correspondent for Bleeding Cool. Seriously: he loves Star Wars more than just about anything, except maybe his wife and little Padawan. Maybe. Depends on which day you ask him. Also, he collects action figures and writes about the wacky world of wrestling as well. basically he is always tried. Talk Star Wars, wrestling, toys, really anything with him on Twitter @jeremyohio.
Brian Goldberg. Four nights in NYCC at a comic con by the sea, I'll be crusin' with my favorite gang. There'll be convention filled with toy & comic dealers dealin'. You know that it's my thing. If you aren't really carin' but feel your eyes start starin' at a guy stuck out in the crowd. He has the action figures that would shame Hasbro and comic tattoos that would make Stan Lee proud. Oh what wow he's the greatest Brian. Oh what wow that you've ever seen.
Anthony Hammock is on loan to Bleeding Cool from his wife and two sons. Since it is his first year covering NYCC they ask he is returned in his original condition. Anthony has been collecting comics for 30 years, and has amassed an impressive collection. During the day he works as a Case Management Supervisor, and at night, he runs the comic book
Patrick Willems is not going to report any news or cover any panels. Instead he'll be running around the Javits Center making videos with his crew. These videos will likely be very silly and, if he's lucky, maybe even mildly clever.
Follow him at @patrickhwillems and watch his videos here.
Matt Lambros is an architectural photographer from Brooklyn, NY. When he's not traipsing across the country in search of abandoned theaters, he probably has his head buried in a comic book.
Follow him on twitter at @mattlambros and check out his blog at
Adi Tantimedh is a screenwriter and filmmaker who has written for the BBC, DC Comics and various British and Hollywood production companies. He wrote JLA: AGE OF WONDER for DC, BLACKSHIRT for Moonstone Comics, and LA MUSE for Big Head Press. He writes LOOK! IT MOVES! for Bleeding Cool, a weekly look at the social and cultural contexts that lie behind movies, TV, comics and video games, and international pop culture like manga, anime, Asian and European movies and TV.
Jeremy Wein (@thismyshow on twitter): 23 year old pop culture lover, runs the podcast ThisMyShow which has featured dozen of cool folks like Kevin Smith, Aziz Ansari, Donald Glover, Reggie Watts, Will Forte and more. Also founded and runs the New York City Podcast Festival (@nycpodfest on twitter) now going into its third year. He has also guest written for and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal.
Dan Celko is a geek by birth and a nerd by choice. Over the years he has collected a multitude of job descriptions under his belt resulting in a self-proclaimed jack-o- all-trades status. However he has come to NYCC for the second time with Bleeding Cool to do the two things he loves most: Playing video games and writing about said video games. You can expect Dan to be giving you as much gaming coverage as he can muster at NYCC and to tell you what he thinks about them. He is also one half of The Dedicated Server, a gaming discussion videocast that can be found on YouTube. Also, feel free to talk all things nerdy and gaming with him on Twitter @RadicalDann
John Odum is easily confused. He is also a veteran of online reporting and opining on politics and geek culture, sometimes combining the two horribly. His credits include The Guardian's "Comment Is Free" and Huffington Post, and founding the Vermont political blog Green Mountain Daily. John is a former programmer and political organizer, and currently serves as Municipal Clerk for the city of Montpelier, VT. @jodum
Ale Bodden (Like Alex, but without the 'x') is a freelance artist and aspiring writer still waiting for her letter from Hogwarts. In the meantime she likes to explore the Geekverse on her golden unicorn with a good book in hand by day, and fight evil by moonlight. Her natural habitat is the Artist Alley, where you can find her roaming and breathing in the beautiful art. This is her second trip to NYCC with Bleeding Cool!
You can follow her through twitter: @alebodden11 and over at, either www.nerdyfaery.
Also attending the show for Bleeding Cool are Paul Gullas, Alejandra Bodden, Jackie Sunderland, Ian Mageto, Liz Hey, Richard Epstein, Madeline E. Ricchiuto, Andy Bentley, Nikolai Fomich, Michael Mcdermott, Chuck Brouillette, Jacob Mcgill, Jason Connor, David Lipke, Ekko, Christine Stephan, Arno Bogaerts, Jon Johnson, Jeremy Downey, Samantha Szabolcs, Dimitrios Haritos, Jake Barlow, Daniel Löf, Derek Trum, Adam Wolfe, Chojin Mahn, Dimitrios Haritos, Jake Barlow, Jemal Flores, Timothy Carson and more…