Posted in: Comics | Tagged: amanda conner, cannabis, Comics, dc, dc comics, harley quinn, jimmy palmiotti
DC Comics' House Ad For The Harley Quinn Annual Isn't Exactly Subtle
Appearing in regular DC Comics tomorrow, such as Justice League and Batman Eternal, the ad for the Harley Quinn Annual #1…
Friend of the site and owner of Detroit retailer Wonderworld, Dennis Barger, has some qualms. He posted on Facebook,
While this is clearly going to be an adult comic, and yes we have a higher (yeah pun intended) than average ratio of medical assisted glaucoma patients then say jc penny's, but is this the message we are trying to send to the straights out there that we are still trying to get into our stores.
If you recall we had a little bit of a dust up over this idea back in January that I was involved in. At issue was what image are we sending to those new potential customers out there. We are in desperate need of moms and dads bringing their kids into our clean wholesome stores to grow this industry. When (not if) this makes national (and international) attention, is this the picture we want painted of our stores? We are going to appear more like that seedy head shop out on the outskirts of town (and yes I know that's how many of our first comics shops got started) than the strip mall pop culture nexus, graphic literature centers that we have become.
This could become one of the most colossal set backs this industry has ever suffered. Yes we might steal a couple bucks earmarked for Taco Bell at 3am, yes maybe we can score us a few of those 6 new readers a month that will sustain this industry for the next 5-10 years. But that kind of short term thinking isn't what gets us 15-20 years of survival.
He continued in the comments and discussions with others which includedthe co-writer of the book, Jimmy Palmiotti.
Dennis L Barger Jr Plus do you honestly think Disney would let marvel do this? Warner has let DC and DC licensing do a lot of stupid things lately.
Dennis L Barger Jr Imagine this. "On this Wednesday DC comics, the publishers of Superman and Batman, will release the new issue of their comic book Harley Quinn with an added bonus, the smell of canibus. That's right, comic stores across the nation will get a scratch and sniff comic that smells like marijuana. Now I'm sure this won't get you high but it will definitely make your high school teacher think you're up to no good at school. <chuckle and witty banter between news anchors> I wonder if you have to go to Taco Bell after you read it, haha That's right Tom, you might not want to take that drug test at work afterwards either haha". That's the local news in every one of our towns, not a great commercial for the parents that bring their kids to play yugioh at my shop or buy my little pony and teen titans comics. No good can come of this but selling a few comics to people who won't come back into our stores.
Marcie Summers Dennis you should do scripts for Fox News LOL
Jesse James Criscione So I wrote a letter before I bought this to inquire about the process and IF, I bought a ton of them,especially the international one, would there be any substance issues. I was assured the answer was "NO" you won't have any issues shipping international for substance in the comic book…Now that its Poly bagged and a drug warning, I hoping that Diamond will allow me to change my orders by 70% since a good portion of it was going international. I would hate to be arrested for Pimping Harley Quinn comics to hunger comic book fans around the world….( I wonder if it will come with a bag of Cheetos) Oh and P.s I bought A LOT
Aaron Haaland Well, I have a college and a Taco Bell right across the street from me, and a place called "High Society" in the same strip. Also, Florida will be voting in amendment 2 at the same time, which is a medicinal marihuana bill. It'll be great for me. I agree with you guys on gimmicks, only a handful of the 3D Futures End books were actually really good. But I'm pretty okay when it comes to any kind of gimmick with Deadpool or Harley Quinn. They work with the characters and their readers IMO.
Maximum Jay Hi all!! This is a way awesome thread! It's cool to see different and informed opinions! Espesh from my respected peers!!
Personally and only speaking for me, I think it's cool.
At least it's something. Something the industry is trying. And it's something new. It's not for everyone, it'll draw sneers and jeers for sure but interest and novelty will translate into selling out.
If any retailer that carries 'Crossed' has an issue with this, I say boooo. This is nothing I repeat nothing compared to that ongoing title (which I carry).
My point being this is not going to draw any irate torch-wielding conservatives like it may seem. If it does, open up copies of any number of monthly titles and favorite classics and show them that there are comics for all varieties of people but that not all comics are for all ages.
It's one of a variety of items I carry that could possibly offend any number of people at any given time, I guess. But I'm betting it'll appeal to more than it'll offend and then in two weeks no one will remember it (espesh the people who bought it Zingggg!).
Jimmy Palmiotti the story is a blast..bottom line, it works without the smell. With it , its a super fun book.
Michael Davis I've asked for QUOTE: " as many as I can get"
Image courtesy of the Mad Magazine blog.