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Official: It's A Glitch – And It's Being Fixed
Sorry folks.
I have it on good authority from Diamond Book Distributors that the current state of – where most of the books in the Top 100 are now comics books, oversized graphic novels priced at $8.34 and $14.99 no matter what the original price (sometimes up to $125) – is a glitch.
And it's being fixed.
In all likelihood if your order is being processed, then you're getting those books at that price and someone will probably have to eat the difference. If not, expect to get a firm but polite email from Amazon explaining that you won't be getting these books at the price you ordered them at – though you are welcome to purchase them at the usual discount rate.
It's been a weird wild ride at Bleeding Cool today, with all sorts of people cming out of the woodwork to order new shelves worth of comics.
But if there is a lesson here, it's this. Comics are too expensive, You make them cheaper, much cheaper, and people will buy them. Buy lots of them. Buy them more than anything on Amazon.
You don't and they won't. Unless it's Twilight.