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Neil Gaiman Co-Wrote Action Comics #894?
In today's Panel Borders podcast, Alex Fitch interviews Paul Cornell. During the conversation he lets listeners know, regarding the appearance of Sandman character Death in next month's issue of Action Comics;
"We've just signed off on that issue, actually. Neil ended up writing quite a lot of her dialogue, so I don't know whether or not it'll be a co-writer credit. I kind of hope it is, because that would be fairly awesome."
You can hear the line almost twenty minutes in, as well as conversation between Alex Fitch and Paul Cornell over faith and how it affects writing certain characters, and writing Soldier Zero with Stan Lee.
Alex Fitch also talks to David Hine about writing Detective Comics, his enjoyment of writing the psychotics in Arkham Asylum and the love of 60s comics shown in the pages of Bulletproof Coffin.