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Saturday Runaround – Gaddafi Vs Bit.Ly
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
Today is the planned "Day of Anger" in Libya with protests similar to Tunisia, Egypt etc. – Shutting down the Internet in Libya should be fairly easy for Gaddafi as we have seen in Egypt. Do you think this will affect the links?
The Creation of Black Lightning — TONY'S BLOGGY THING 2/18/11
Trevor never raised an objection to the Afro-Mask at the time, but he has since said this about it: "I did NOT design the Afro-Mask. I say this because in the '70s, the Afro was a black man's symbol of pride, and self-respect. His singular identity. For a black super-hero to remove his hair or put ON his hair as part of his identity is certainly odd. For a black man to do so was, shall we say, tellingly symbolic, and definitely not MY idea."
The Walking Dead – DVD Trailer – FEARnet
No big surprises for hard-core Dead-heads in this sixty second promo for the first season on Blu-ray and DVD. If anything, seeing Rick Grimes fight the undead in post-apocalyptic Atlanta just makes me that much eager for the second season premiere. Let's hope Chandler Riggs, who plays young Carl Grimes, doesn't hit a cuteness-killing growth spurt before they resume production!
The series will premiere on Animax on April 1.
"I've known for a long time that sales had dropped well into cancellation territory, but DC believed in the book and supported it long past where others may have chosen to cut it. I'll always be thankful for that. We started talking actual cancellation a few months ago, though it wasn't totally for sure.
From the ashes of Comic Relief, a new store is set to rise | Berkeleyside
Chabon has given his blessing to the idea. A serious aficionado of comics himself, he told Berkeleyside he was saddened to see the demise of Comic Relief. "I am delighted to encourage and give moral support to Jack in his bid to resurrect the store," he says.
We always felt there was a very strong mine of material in the fish-out-of-water. When you reduce a man who is arrogant by temperament, extremely oppressive and used to having his own way, dressed, um … unusually, you are immediately in a position where you have comic friction. This is a guy who continues to live his own reality. In his mind, he's still prince of the cosmos and he'll do what he wants. People from Earth getting in his way and asking silly questions is immaterial.
Wolverine Vs The Hand on Vimeo
Wolverine Fan Trailer.
Hawkgirl Statue Design by *AdamHughes on deviantART
Client: DC Comics/ DC Direct. Media: Pencil, PITT Pen and COPIC marker on Strathmore Drawing paper. A statue design for Hawkgirl, for the Covergirls of the DCU line from DC Direct. I was oddly happy with this one.
The Lasso of Truth About New Wonder Woman Adrianne Palicki | NBC New York
She's a legit comic book lover, and not of the "I'm doing press for my new superhero movie" lip-service kind of way. When your PopcornBiz writer visited Palicki on the set of the horror film "Legion" in 2008, we found her curled up with a copy of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' classic Watchmen at her side
'ThunderCats' TV Series: What We Learned At Toy Fair 2011
Though we got our first look at the new design for Snarf, Lion-O's whining nursemaid, earlier this month, our tour of Bandai's showroom provided a better idea of how the series' most polarizing character will appear in the "ThunderCats" reboot.
What Could the War of the Green Lanterns Be About?
Let's take a look at how this War may happen based on the info from we have from the books. Now, Green Lantern #62 and Green Lantern Corps #57 both come out next week, and considering the amount of things that have happened in Emerald Warriors #7 this week, we should be seeing a lot of things unraveling next Wednesday.