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Posted in: Comics | Tagged: aro, artwork, Comics, Heavy Metal Magazine, jack kirby, operation argo
Jack Kirby's Operation Argo Artwork In Heavy Metal For August
We've promising this for a while and here it is. Jack Kirby's Lord Of Light for Heavy Metal Magazine, in August. And for a magazine that has been so audacious in its use of artists over the decades, this is his first appearance in it.
We're beyond proud to present the King of Comics' mind-blowing artwork in the pages of our hallowed (and now humbled) magazine! Barry Geller & Jack Kirby's "LORD OF LIGHT," These Pieces by Geller & Kirby, mostly unseen before now, are part of American history as they were the artwork used by the CIA for OPERATION: ARGO, which helped free American embassy workers during the Iranian coup in 1979. Also featuring all-new, eye-scorching color by some of the best toners in the biz! And that ain't all! We're also super psyched to welcome back MAX FREZZATO to the fold – crushing it in an epic 47-page graphic novel! Plus BILAL, ERIKA LEWIS' "The 49th Key", the MOLEN BROS and MORE!!! How we'll fit this much cosmic comic energy into one issue will be the stuff of legend! 'Nuff said!
Here's a look at some of the originals…

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