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Will ResurrXion Be X-Men Version Of DC's Rebirth? Is It All About The Memberberries?
Member Jim Lee on X-Men? Member Whilce Portacio? Member X-Tinction Agenda? Member Cross Time Caper?
Marvel Comics has been promoting their Spring X-Men event, ResurrXion. And it looks like they are taking aspects of what once was, espeecially in the nineties, and making them afresh for new.
Which does seem to be rather familiar considering what DC Comics has been doing with DC Rebirth. Member Wally West? Member Titans? Member Watchmen? Member when Superman was married? Member when Dick Grayson was Nightwing? Member when Wonder Woman was good? Member?
Bleeding Cool was the first website to even mention that Marvel's ResurrXion was coming. For months. So now it that it has finally come upon us, why not add some totally ill-informed and mindless speculation as to what they may bring us?
X-Men Blue appears to star the original X-Men. Maybe not the teen versions, possibly a regathering of the Original Five from the sixties and from the original X-Factor. Teen jean or not teen Jean?
X-Men Gold is a bigger team could it feature the original more diverse era, Storm, Rogue, Colossus, straight from the Claremont/Cockrum years? The Blue and the Gold come from the nineties X-Men relaunch.
Oh by the way, imagine the social media response when Giant Sized X-Men was first announced. Replacing all those fan favourites with a more ethnically diverse cast, it must have been political correctness gone mad. Wolverine, get back to Canada! Len Wein would have had to have come off Twitter.
Where were we? Oh yes.
Generation X is a teen X-book, also from the nineties, so it may not necessarily feature the original Gen Xers …though we expect one or two in there. Could it see them as teachers/instructors/leaders to a broader range of Young Diverse X-Men, from the various youth groups over the years?
Cable will feature the Cable we see in Uncanny Avengers at the moment. He's proved popular of late from that book, with his tattoos, computers and classic nineties look.
Weapon X is basically the dark team book, as I think everyone expects….it will feature a Logan.. possibly the return from the dead of the classic present day Wolverine. But with the new movie, expect Old Man Logan to stick around.
Jean Grey may be teen Jean – but it is always the Phoenix. Always.
But will Iceman be adult Iceman?
ResurrXion could see the return of Xavier too. The Red Skull storyline seems to be finally playing out in Captain America and Uncanny Avengers, and the title of the event could well signify that we will see Charles Xavier back in the books. And Cable may be just the man to bring him across.
Well, it is the nineties after all… and the mutants are safe from Terrigen. But where did all the Inhumans go?
And exactly how will Wolverine: Saudade fit into all of this? Will Andre Mexer join Generation X?
Saudade does mean a melancholic longing or yearning for once was… member?