Posted in: Comics | Tagged: #actualasiancomicwriters, C.B. Cebulski, marvel
Marvel's Akira Yoshida Scandal Spawns #ActualAsianComicWriters Hashtag
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool broke the news that new Marvel Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski wrote several Marvel comic books as a fictional Japanese man named Akira Yoshida. You can read all about that here.
In response to the story, which has made headlines across entertainment and mainstream media, Mark Tseng-Putterman started a hashtag to highlight actual Asian comic writers, appropriately named #ActualAsianComicWriters.
Others have been joining in, recommending their favorite #ActualAsianComicWriters:
And MariNaomi even beat us to the punch by recommending herself, as well as additional resource, the Cartoonists of Color Database:
The hashtag is sure to continue growing, surely featuring some of your favorite creators, and also some for you to discover, so check it out and participate on Twitter.