black cat Archives

Dan Slott Teases Big Things In Superior Spider-Man #20
Here is the solicitation copy: From the fallout of NECESSARY EVIL, comes new beginnings and new twists that will be felt in the pages of Spider-Man for years to come! SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #20 is where it all starts! Do NOT miss this one! It's the first ever adventure for the Superior Spider-Man and the Black Cat[...]
Wednesday Trending Topics: The Black Cat Speaks Up
Mandy of Beautilition on Etsy writes of her experience cosplaying as the Black Cat at NYCC: So I encourage cosplaying women everywhere to be blunt and vocal with their rights, their personal boundaries, and their comfort level at conventions I actually encourage girls to be brashly shameless about these things, to not be afraid to speak[...]
When The Black Cat Was Sexually Harassed At NYCC
Mandy of Beautilition on Etsy wrote the following, posted with her permission; At Comic Con today, I went as Black Cat This is a shitty picture and there will be better ones of my whole costume coming up but I just want to say something. Black Cat's costume has a fair amount of cleavage (conservative compared to[...]
Swipe File: Black Cat And The Birthday Card
On the left, the cover to Harvey Comics classic, Black Cat #1. On the right, a birthday card designed by one Stephen Mackey of UK-based greeting card/gift item company Lip International In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each other to some degree They may be homages, parodies, ironic appropriations,[...]