Dara Naraghi of Lifelike and Persia Blues (NBM), has also woeked on Terminator and Ghostbusters comics from IDW and The Absurd Adventures of Archibald Aardvark from Image.
But back in 2011, he was invited by Coordinating Editor Elisabeth Gehrlein to pitch a couple of ideas to DC Comics while they were going through the New 52 relaunch[...]
Dara Naraghi Archives
Dara Naraghi writes for Bleeding Cool:
The narrative time-jumps were something I wanted to do from the beginning, despite some words of caution from editors I respect But credit where credit's due: my friend Nand suggested the Pinterest idea.
Let me back up a bit.
My name is Dara Naraghi, and I'm a writer with a whole bunch[...]