Tintin Reporter: Cigars Of The Pharaoh Archives

Tintin Reporter - Cigars Of The Pharaoh Receives New Release Date
In the game Tintin Reporter: Cigars Of The Pharaoh, the famous reporter and his faithful companion Snowy are going to experience some extraordinary adventures…After meeting Professor Sarcophagus whilst cruising the Mediterranean Sea, the famous reporter sets out in search of the tomb of the Pharaoh Kih-Oskh What are the dark secrets hidden in the tomb? From[...]
Tintin Reporter - Cigars Of The Pharaoh Receives New Release Date
In the game Tintin Reporter: Cigars Of The Pharaoh, the famous reporter and his faithful companion Snowy are going to experience some extraordinary adventures…After meeting Professor Sarcophagus whilst cruising the Mediterranean Sea, the famous reporter sets out in search of the tomb of the Pharaoh Kih-Oskh What are the dark secrets hidden in the tomb? From[...]
Tintin Reporter: Cigars Of The Pharaoh Releases New Trailer
Tintinimaginatio and Microids released an all-new reveal trailer today showing off their upcoming title Tintin Reporter: Cigars Of The Pharaoh Along with developer Pendulo Studios, the trailer gives us a better insight into the world they have created this time around, with an art style that feels like a cross between the animated cartoons and[...]