WIdowmaker Archives

Overwatch Reveals Widowmaker and Pharah Skins for Halloween Event
Blizzard revealed two more Overwatch skins this week for the Halloween event taking place on October 9th, one for Pharah and one for Widowmaker These look absolutely amazing, as the Widowmaker skin looks like a bit of an homage to Spider-Man, while still keeping her in widow-like gear with a deep shade of purple that[...]
Current 'Overwatch' PTR Includes Roadhog & Widowmaker Changes
Junkrat, Roadhog, Widowmaker, and Orisa are all getting tweaked a bit, and we have the current stats of what you're seeing below. JUNKRAT Concussion Mine Junkrat can now hold two mines RIP-Tire Tire's movement speed has been increased by 30% There is no longer a time limit when wall climbing ORISA Fusion Driver Projectile speed increased by 20% Protective Barrier Barrier size increase by 20% Barrier shape[...]
Blizzard Unveils New Widowmaker Statue From Overwatch
The popular assassin character took the mantra of Widowmaker after assassinating her own husband and realizing that, like spiders, she was never more alive than when killing That statue measures 13.5" (floor to head) with a base of 7.5" in diameter The piece sells for $150.oo and can be ordered here. https://youtu.be/3x9pIwNNVOkVideo can't be loaded because[...]
9.7 Million Users Played The Overwatch Beta
As for the most popular characters: Soldier 76 for offense, Widowmaker for defense, Reinhardt for tank and Mercy for support I would've expected to see Tracer, Reaper or Winston in that group. Even though you needed to pre-purchase the game to get into the beta, I have heard from multiple sources that each person got more[...]