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DC Comics Vs The Mouse
The official comment from DC Comics on the Disney buyout of Marvel Comics is "no comment."
Internally of course it's a very different matter. No one saw this coming, certainly not yesterday, and certainly not Disney. Before now, the biggest Marvel buyout rumour was from Sony. And that was a while back.
DC owners Warner Bros has had quite the history as competitors with Disney. Competing movie studios, famous kids cartoon properties (Roger Rabbit hosting a temporary truce), video games, TV studios and stations, theme park rides, media stores, if anything, Disney were missing a comic book publisher working as a R&D company within its ranks. And now they have that too. So there is natural friction and, possibly, a kick up DC's arse.
The first spin was against Marvel's editor-in-chief Joe Quesada and then-publisher Bill Jemas' famous words, painting DC as corporate comics, referring to the publisher repeatedly as AOL Comics, including one famous New York Observer newspaper interview that drive a serious wedge between the two companies, with Joe quoted as saying;
They'd be better off calling it AOL Comics. At least people know what AOL is. I mean, they have Batman and Superman, and they don't know what to do with them. That's like being a porn star with the biggest dick and you can't get it up. What the fuck?
Possibly the kind of comment he might not be able to make today.
The "they'd be better off calling it Disney Comics" line has already been gaining traction internally at DC and, despite Quesada's promises, the fear of corporate interference with their work is being raised by DC with creators as to why DC would be the preferable option. DC, at least, is part of the multinational media conglomerate you know.
To quote another famous Warner character, "of course you realise, this means war."