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Crossed Movie To Be Written By Garth Ennis
Avatar Press couldn't want for better timing.
Variety have announced that Kickstart Comic Art Studios, Michael De Luca Productions, and Kevin Spacey's Trigger Street Productions are to make a movie of the comic book Crossed by Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows. Mike De Luca, Jason Netter, Ken F. Levin and Dana Brunetti are on board as producers.
And Garth Ennis has written the screenplay, currently out to directors.
Oh and this week Avatar have shipped the Crossed collection in hardback and paperback, with the new series by David Lapham launching at C2E2 this weekend and shipping next week. With Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows in attendance, plenty of Crossed variant covers and free Crossed masks.
It's almost as if they knew it was coming.
They could have told me. I'm their paid poodle media whore after all.
Crossed is the story of a number of survivors after an zombie-styled infection, leading people to act out the worst inhumanities of man upon each other, all the time exhibiting the very sickest sense of humour. Romero's The Crazies via Joss Whedon's Reavers via… well, Rwanda.
For those catching up, here's some previous Bleeding Cool Crossed coverage from our Crossed Day a couple of months back.
Announcement of David Lapham's Crossed: Family Values.
David Lapham on writing Crossed.