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The BBC To Publish Graphic Novels
The first graphic novel from BBC Books is lined up for September.
The Only Good Dalek is a Doctor Who original graphic novel by Justin Richards and Mike Collins, withe the likenesses of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan as The Doctor and Amy Pond. No Rory though it seems. Boo. The solicitations reads as;
Station 7 is the most secret establishment in the whole of Earth-Space. Even our own people don't know it exists. It's beyond top secret. There's no way the Daleks can ever find it.'
Station 7 is where the Earth Forces send all the equipment captured in their unceasing war against the Daleks. It's where Dalek technology is analysed and examined. It's where the Doctor and Amy have just arrived. But somehow the Daleks have found out about Station 7 – and there's something there that they want back.
With the Doctor increasingly worried about the direction the Station's research is taking, the commander of Station 7 knows he has only one possible, desperate, defence. Because the last terrible secret of Station 7 is that they don't only store captured Dalek technology. It's also a prison. And the only thing that might stop a Dalek is another Dalek…
The book will be released on September 15th.
What's next, Top Gear The Motion Comic? SpringWatch bobble heads?