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The Return Of Static. And A Well Timed Announcement.
One of my criticisms of the reigning back of DC's legacy characters over the past year or so, to earlier characters who held the title, was that DC was losing the richer ethnic mix that it had built up over the years as a result. While simultaneously sitting in the DC Universe was the Milestone line which could tackle that very problem if only DC would see it.
DC have now announced a new Milestone character series, Static, to be written by Felicia D Henderson, producer and writer on Fringe, Gossip Girl and Everyone Hates Chris, for next year.
And announcing it so early, but just in time for Con, should also make for a handy shield (along with the new Aqualad) to raise against some of the arrows that may be fired at panels about this very topic…
Although I'm still interested to hear Dwany McDuffie's take.