Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks bring us Superman: The World from DC Comics in the summer, in The Daily LITG, 19th of January 2025
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The Diegetic Panelisation Of Alan Moore And Jacen Burrows' Neonomicon
David Smart (allyourbasicgerrard) gives a video review of Alan Moore and Jacen Burrows' Neonomicon, looking at the very metatextual language used in the comic book. And the clues to a world that is defined and ruled by the prescence, if never explicitly stated of the panel, the gutter, the architecture of the comic book page as it impacts on the characters within. They are ruled by its structure yet never aware of their reality. Apart from the ones that are of course.
Some have criticised this comic for being too simple, too basic, not Moore-y enough. This should open one or two eyes.
Part One:
Part Two:
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