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Friday Runaround – The Depths Of Your Passion
QuoteWatch: "From the moment you open Glenn Beck's The Overton Window, you are looking through his eyes — and like the best thriller writers out there, Glenn knows that the very best way to scare us is to show us what can really happen. Get ready to sleep with the lights on. This is the one. You'll never look at history the same way again." –#1 NYT bestselling author Brad Meltzer
CoverWatch: J Scott Campbell (left) gives an indication of why the new issue of Elephantmen may need that M for Mature Readers cover tag. Richard Starkings says;
"Right from the beginning I wanted to show that the Elephantmen were attractive to women, and attracted to women. When Ladrönn and I launched HIP FLASK, we decided very definitely that the book would be R rated, and I think ELEPHANTMEN #30 has to carry the actual rating, because there are scenes in the issue which will raise some eyebrows."
PressWatch: The New York Times quotes Tom Brevoort on the Future Foundation.
"It will stop fans for taking the Fantastic Four for granted," says Brevoort. "It was comfortable. People liked it but drifted away from the book, so we're doing something that changes things up.
"The Human Torch never had so many vocal fans as the day we killed him. The fans didn't realize their depths of their passion."
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
EXCLUSIVE: Diamond's Dave Bowen explains how they will sell digital comics in stores | The Beat
If we had wanted to be the kings of digital comics we could have done it a year ago. That's not what we want. We want retailers to be empowered to join in the process.
DC Entertainment wants comic stores to be "epicenter of fandom" | Nerdage
DC's co-publisher Jim Lee spoke of DC's focus on its core brands of DC Universe, Vertigo and MAD Magazine. He also spoke of DC's intention to use digital initiatives to reach a wider audience. Part of DC's plan going forward will include finding a way to include direct-market retailers in the digital plan.
YouTube – Gaiman on Copyright Piracy and the Web
Neil Gaiman talks to the Open Rights Group about how the internet affects the books and publishing industry
YouTube – M·A·C WONDER WOMAN — semi-animated with art by Allred
Medusa's on a mission to transform the M∙A∙C girls of the world into an army of Plain Janes. Who will save them? Wonder Woman! Armed with her Spring 2011 collection of bright, bold colour & invincible accessories, the larger-than-life Bold Babe will stop at nothing to make sure her Mission is — Kaboom! — Accomplished!
Timelapse of Rick Geary Drawing a Portrait of Louise Brooks on Vimeo
Writer/Artist Rick Geary takes some time to draw a portrait of silent film actress Louise Brooks, who was actually a relative of Rick's. Show here in timelapse.
Nick Spencer Joins the Secret Avengers
I couldn't be happier to have a rising talent like Nick taking the reins of SECRET AVENGERS as we head into Fear Itself" exclaimed SVP of Publishing, Tom Brevoort. "As evidenced in his THUNDER Agents work, Nick's got a thoroughly modern approach to the espionage tale, and I expect him to do great things with Steve's covert squad."
Fear Itself Targets Spider-Man
"Everything I've seen so far from Fear Itself has given me chills," said Editor Stephen Wacker. "Yost who really found the way into the story by pinpointing the sheer humanity of Spidey and the fact that Fear Itself would affect Peter Parker more deeply than just about any other hero."
"First and foremost, it's a uniform. There's a war which has been going on for millennia, and the [theater] of war is pretty much the whole of time and space. The Sigil is the mark that identifies the soldiers in that war. But it's also a weapon, a suit of armor, a communications device, and—well, some other things, that we don't get to find out about just yet."
Tilting at Windmills: – Comic Book Resources
The "Twilight" Graphic Novel sold a stellar 127k copies through the venues which report to BookScan, which would be under half of the announced print run of 350k, but, again, I'm going to assume that it also shifted an enormous amount of copies outside of the BookScan reporting venues
First Lady Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campaign, Let's Move, is one year old this week. She has already convinced Walmart to lower prices on fruit and vegetables and is in talks with the National Restaurant Association to downsize portions. But the real problem is corn subsidies, which make it cheaper to produce everything from beef to Coca Cola. Can Michelle Obama kill this sacred cow?
Exclusive First Look: McFarlane Toys The Walking Dead Figures! » MTV Geek
What's the coolest action figure news to hit pre-Toy Fair? The fact that McFarlane Toys has scored the rights to make action figures based on The Walking Dead comic series AND television series
REIGN OF THE DOOMSAYERS: Eddie Berganza, Pt. 1
The thing about the Cyborg Superman is that he wants to die.
I just read Erik Larsen's report on Berkeley's Comic Relief receiving three-day notice to pay rent or get out after not receiving books for several months and I can't fully express just how angry I am.
I really love this store and pretty much everyone involved due to all the years I was shopping there on an at least weekly basis. I restrict it to "pretty much everyone," because since founder and long-time proprietor Rory Root's passing his family has done everything they could do to not only NOT follow his wishes, but also turn a great store into, well, one that's probably not going to survive the week. That said, it will always stick with me as "great," as Rory and his staff created a legacy no one will ever forget as long as some life form uses pictures to sequentially tell a story.
Remember the rings? Those BLACKEST NIGHT rings? Well, my colleagues in Sales & Marketing are on stage right now announcing special FLASHPOINT edition Flash rings will be available at comic book shops this June, with the release of FLASHPOINT #2.
News: Exclusive: Captain America Gets A Sequel
Stephen McFeely & Christopher Markus, the screenwriters who penned "CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER" just got hired to write the sequel for Marvel Studios!