Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, ethan van sciver, mark waid, rob granito
Monday Trending Topics: The Waid / Van Sciver MegaCon Team-Up
If you missed it over the weekend, there's more about the Rob Granito saga. Much more, with special guests Mark Waid and Ethan Van Sciver. That aside, there are posts about Ryan Renolds, Joanne Siegel, Peanuts, and Parallax. Some say comics is the greatest show on earth, and here's today's installment:
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
Rob Granito's MegaCon Adventure With Mark Waid
Dear Fraudboy: When you have comics' leading leftwing socialist hippiefreak AND comics' leading rightwing Nazi teaming up to smack you down, YOU HAVE FUCKED UP.
Who On Earth Is Rob Granito? (UPDATE)
Jay is one of the big Writters for DC I probbibaly spelled his name rite, covers range from the Shaddow of the bat issues 12-25, teen titans 1-7, Spiderman I did a butt load I dont know the numbers, for Iron Man the same. For the Animated batman series 1092-1995.
More Fun With Rob Granito Before MegaCon
Yesterday's article looking at Rob Granito's bogus credits that have gained him Guest status at Wizard World Toronto and upcoming shows, touched upon his swipe filery, but further research and information provided by you, the Little Bleeders who read this site, have painted a much bigger picture. Watch out, Rob may swipe it any second.
Most-Read Comic Stories Not Involving Rob Granito Today:
Clint #9 Cover Seems Unnecessarily Harsh Regarding Ryan Reynolds
He's playing Green Lantern. He wants to play Deadpool. But seriously, this is a rather harsh language for the man, isn't it?
The Lois Lane Letter – Joanne Siegel's Final Words To Warners
I am Joanne Siegel widow of Jerry Siegel, creator of Superboy and co-creator of Superman with Joe Shuster. It has always been my policy to be in touch with the Chairmen of the Board of your company going back to when Steve Ross formed Warner Communications.
WARNING! Peanuts Without The Punchline WARNING!
Now. We are familiar with Garfield Minus Garfield, a strip about a man taking to him imaginary cat. Now comes Peanuts Without The Punchline. I know, I know, you thought Peanuts didn't have any punchlines and was on a bit of a downer anyway.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
A Better Look At Parallax, The Green Lantern Movie Toy – Not Final Product
It may not be the final product. But this image of the Parallax doll from the upcoming Green Lantern movie line may give us a better glimpse into how the embodiment of fear itself may appear when it hits the screen this summer…
The Title Of Neil Gaiman's Doctor Who Episode Is Pure Geek Bait
Scheduled to air in the fourth slot of the new series of Doctor Who, the Neil Gaiman-penned episode of my new favourite TV drama has been a little while coming. I think we first knew such a thing was going to exist about three or four years ago.
Film Of Neil Gaiman's American Gods Gets "Genius" Director With "Many, Many Oscars"
Neil Gaiman has dropped some hints about an upcoming, big screen adaptation of American Gods, his second novel. The rights were only finally sold "like, last week after talking to people for years" but a director is already in the frame. He says:
First Look At An Ape From Rise Of The Apes
Until now, the closest we'd managed to get to one of the Rise of the Apes apes were some paparazzi pictures of Andy Serkis in his performance capture uniform (and we all know how that turned out). Now, Fox have revealed the first, official look at one of the wee chimps, and it's made its way unofficially online.
Most-Clicked Pics Today: