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Those 52 DC Comics Issue Ones – And What And Who Is Missing (UPDATE)
There are only the Superman titles for DC to announce, but if they're right about the 52 issue one relaunches for September, then we kind of know them all already pretty much… so what do we have – and who is missing?
1. Justice League #1 by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee (read more)
2. Justice League International #1 by Dan Jurgens and Aaron Lopresti (read more)
3. Teen Titans #1 by Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund (read more)
4. Suicide Squad #1 by Adam Glass and Marco Rudy (read more)
5. Action Comics #1 by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales (read more)
6. Superman #1 by George Pérez and Jesus Merino (read more)
7. Superboy #1 by Scott Lobdell and R.B. Silva and Rob Lean (read more)
8. Supergirl #1 by Michael Green, Mike Johnson and Mahmud A. Asrar (read more)
9. Batman #1 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. (read more)
10. Detective Comics #1 by Tony Daniel (read more)
11. Batman: The Dark Knight #1 by David Finch (read more)
12. Batgirl #1 by Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes. (read more)
13. Batwoman #1 by J.H. Williams III, Haden Blackman and Amy Reeder (read more)
14. Catwoman #1 by Judd Winick and Guillem March (read more)
15. Red Hood And The Outlaws #1 by Scott Lobdell and Kenneth Rocafort (read more)
16. Batwing #1 by Judd Winick and Ben Oliver (read more)
17. Nightwing #1 by Kyle Higgins and Eddy Barrows (read more)
18. Batman And Robin #1 by Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason (read more)
19. Birds Of Prey #1 by Duane Swierczynski and Jesus Saiz (read more)
20. Green Lantern #1 by Geoff Johns, Doug Mahnke and Christian Alamy (read more)
21. Green Lantern Corps #1 by Peter J. Tomasi, Fernando Pasarin and Scott Hanna (read more)
22. Green Lanterns: New Guardians #1 by Tony Bedard, Tyler Kirkham and Batt (read more)
23. Red Lanterns #1 by Peter Milligan, Ed Benes and Rob Hunter. (read more)
24. Aquaman #1 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis (read more)
25. Wonder Woman #1 by Brian Azzarello #1 and Cliff Chiang (read more)
26. Flash #1 by Brian Buccellato and Francis Manapul (read more)
27. Green Arrow #1 by JT Krul and Dan Jurgens (read more)
28. DC Universe Presents #1 by Paul Jenkins and Bernard Chang (read more)
29. Savage Hawkman #1 by Tony Daniel and Philip Tan (read more)
30. Blue Beetle #1 by Tony Bedard and Ig Guara (read more)
31. Fury Of Firestorm #1 by Gail Simone, Ethan Van Sciver and Yildiray Cinar. (read more)
32. Mr Terrific #1 by Eric Wallace and Roger Robinson (read more)
33. Captain Atom #1 by JT Krul and Freddie Williams II (read more)
34. OMAC #1 by Dan DiDio, Keith Giffen and Scott Koblish (read more)
35. Static Shock #1 by Felicia Henderson, John Rozum, Scott McDaniel and Jonathan Glapion. (read more)
36. Hawk And Dove #1 by Sterling Gates and Rob Liefeld (read more)
37. Deathstroke #1 by Kyle Higgins, Joe Bennett and Art Thibert (read more)
38. Legion of Superheroes by Paul Levitz and Francis Portela (read more)
39. Legion Lost #1 by Fabian Nicieza and Pete Woods (read more)
40. Grifter #1 by Nathan Edmondson, CAFU and BIT (read more)
41. Voodoo #1 by Ron Marz and Sami Basri. (read more)
42. Stormwatch #1 by Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda (read more)
43. Animal Man #1 by Jeff Lemire, Travel Foreman and Dan Green (read more)
44. Swamp Thing #1 by Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette (read more)
45. Justice League Dark #1 by Peter Milligan and Mikel Janin (read more)
46. Demon Knights #1 by Paul Cornell, Diogenes Neves and Oclair Albert (read more)
47. Frankenstein: Agent Of SHADE #1 by Jeff Lemire and Alberto Ponticelli (read more)
48. Resurrection Man #1 by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Fernando Dagnino (read more)
49. I, Vampire #1 by Josh Fialkov and Andrea Sorrentino (read more)
50. Blackhawks #1 by Mike Costa and Ken Lashley (read more)
51. Sgt Rock And The Men Of War #1 by Ivan Brandon and Tom Derenick (read more)
52. All-Star Western #1 by Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Grey and Meridat. (Vigilante by Darwyn Cooke in the back?) (read more)
That's 52. No Batman Beyond #1, JLA Beyond #1 or My Greatest Adventure #1, look forward to those in months to come, I guess. And Batman Inc #1 sometime next year.
But also, no Booster Gold, JSA, Superman/Batman, Adventure Comics, The Spirit, Doc Savage, Justice Society Of America, Secret Six, Gotham City Sirens, Power Girl, THUNDER Agents, Titans, Xombi or Zatanna. No sign of Wally West. No And no sign of a Captain Marvel or any of his family.
And with new books and new creative teams, there are also losers. There's also no work from creators working for DC in August including James Robinson, Scott Kolins, Phil Jiminez, Jamal Igle, Adam Schlagman, Jonathan Vankin, David Hine, Bryan Miller, Peter Calloway, Felicia Henderson, Jock, Brian Wood, Brian Clevinger, Marc Andreyko, Tom DeFalco, Chris Roberson, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Phil Hester, Howard Chaykin, JG Jones, Will Pfeiffer, James Patrick, Marc Guggenheim, Marv Wolfman, Matthew Sturges, Nick Spencer, Frazer Irving, Andy Kubert, Fernando Blanco, Felipe Massafera, Rex Ogle, Ibraim Roberson, Scott Clark, Alejandro Giraldo, Rodney Buchemi, Eddie Nunez, Javi Fernandez, Oliver Nome, Gene Ha, Marco Castiello, Mike Miller, Howard Porter, Daniel Sampere, Ron Randall, Kevin Maguire, Jerry Bingham, Sergio Cariello, Rich Buckler, Paris Cullins, Mike Bowden, Steve Scott, Jay Fabok, Greg Tocchini, Todd McCarthy, Carlos D'anda, Pere Perez, Chris Batista, Adam Beechen, Marcus To, Andres Guinaldo, Billy Tucci, Ron Frenz, Allan Goldman, Piers Gallo, Chriscross, Tomas Giorello, Don Kramer, Geraldo Borges, Phil Winslade, Agustin Padilla, Jerry Ordway, J Calafiore, Hendry Prasetya, Mike Grell, Nicola Scott, Jose Luis, Fabrizio Fiorentino and Victor Ibanez
Of course, there's always October…