Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: bleeding cool, brendon connelly, comic con, Comics, grace randolph, jesse james, joshua stone, kate kotler, Rich Johnston, san diego
The Women And Men Of Bleeding Cool At San Diego Comic Con
These are just a few of the women and men who are writing for Bleeding Cool from San Diego Comic Con this coming week. Stop them and say hello… especially if you have a story to share!
Rich Johnston. Founder of Bleeding Cool and the face of the website. Please don't hit it. He'll be running around the show like a blue arsed fly as always, hopped up on a mixture of caffeine, peanuts and bananas, the San Diego staple survival food. Why not bring him a Butterfinger? He'll be staying at the Marriott Marquis if you want to send him review copies of comics, DVDs or faeces…
Follow him on @richjohnston
Brendon Connelly. Film editor of Bleeding Cool. No one agrees with any film he likes or dislikes, which he holds as a badge of pride. He will be embedded in Hall H through the day, running around trying to find asthma medicine in the evening and sleeping with Rich during the night. It's a Laurel & Hardy kind of thing.
Follow him on @brendonconnelly
Grace Randolph is the writer and presenter of Beyond The Trailer and was the face of The Watcher for Marvel Comics. She reports twice a week for Bleeding Cool in the Stacktastic and Between The Pages video blogs and is now writing Supurbia, about to be relaunched as an ongoing series for Boom! Studios
Follow her on @gracerandolph
Kate Kotler is the author of the Geek Girl on the Street Reports column and the co-host of the Keep Your Pants On podcast for Bleeding Cool. A Chicago based freelance writer, you can read Kate's personal musings on her website.
Follow her on @adorkablegrrl
Jen Apprahamian put on a pair of glasses one day, and found that she had become a mild-mannered reporter. She writes nonsense here, and is The Lady on the Modern Myth Media podcast.
Follow her on @delightfuldev
Keysha Couzens is a new-old comic fan (it was hard to remain committed ten or so years ago when there's no comic shop in town but thankfully that's no longer the case thank you online shopping), and fledgeling comic blogger starting mainly with her contributions to Bleeding Cool's SDCC coverage this year. She's mostly a freelance TV and film blogger for TVOvermind, EndofShow, and NoWhiteNoise doing reviews, recaps, and the odd opinion piece when the mood strikes. She'll be attending San Diego Comic Con for the 3rd time this year, and she's not planning on it being her last time either. Her intention is to find the perfect balance between media professional and exuberant fan-person.
Follow her on @Lady_Snark
Abigail Raney makes things up. Sometimes they are true.
She excels at posing on Hogwarts staircases.
Follow her on @StarMadalia
Dean Butters is an Australian artist who works in photography, video and print-making. He was a recipient of a 1 year residency with Canberra Contemporary Art Space in 2011, and was awarded an Australia Council ArtStart grant in 2012. His work at times draws on both comic books and cinema. His next exhibition will be in Australia in October, and his previous work can be viewed at
Joe Salas spends most of his days now living in downtown LA where he works, writes and co-host a podcast for Also, hosts a monthly comic podcast called the BookClub.
Follow him on @joehouse86.
Louis Falcetti is finishing his English degree at Westfield State in Massachusetts where he lives. He lives with his cat Nico in the former comic book mecca of Northampton.
Follow him on @LouieFalcetti.
Will Romine, or Will "front of the line" Romine. This will be my 4th SDCC. I dabble a bit in the cosplay. Recently, I won the Con Chair spotlight award at Florida Supercon. This year, I'll be dressed up as "Starro vs. JLA.". If you see me and say "Paul Bunyan" three times fast, I will give you a super special secret prize. When I'm not geeking it up, I am a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State. I'm also a marathon runner, having completed 3 marathons this year.
Follow him on @notacomplainer
Ray Brown graduated cum laude with a bachelor's degree in journalism and spent several years working as a copy editor, all in the hopes of using that education and experience to break into comics. He then interned with Eclipse Comics, did freelance copy editing and wrote crossword puzzles for Wizard magazine, and wrote and edited the anthology comic book series Anomaly for Brass Ring Productions. He is currently a civil trial attorney and partner with The Aguilera Law Group in Costa Mesa, California, and has never lost a trial, but he still hopes to someday break into comics. He will be attending the San Diego Comic Con for the 29th time this year. Oh, and on July 6th he made the money in Event 59 of the World Series of Poker, finishing 404th out of almost 4700 players.
Chris Thompson is a writer, speaker and podcaster who has appeared at conventions across three continents. When not on the road, he works at @OrbitalComics in London and contributes articles on the side. You can hear him on @TheOrbitingPod and @PopCultureHound podcasts.
Follow him on @PopCultureHound.
Mark Bourne is an editor/writer/ publisher – formerly of Malibu Comics – Marvel West – Humanoids Publishing – Third Eye Publishing Anthologies. Has written for Marvel Comics, Head Press & the Beat.
Follow him on @MarkBourne
Alistair Philp is an avid fan of the world of comics from the books themselves to the movies they spawn. If you see him ask about his lustrous follicles and what product he uses to keep them so supple.
Follow him on @_Tremaine_
Alex Wilson is a freelance writer and photographer working at the show for Bleeding Cool, who started at the age of sixteen reviewing movies. He has since added film making to his list of skills, working with local artists in Omaha, NE to film tattoos and paintings.
Follow him on @alexisadreamer
Peter S. Svensson manages SpaceCat Comics in San Jose, CA. He's done a great deal of convention coverage for Bleeding Cool, (and is quite thankful that he's got backup at SDCC this year) and is planning on writing more in the future. He filled in for Mark Waid as a last minute replacement at the Fan/Pro Trivia Contest at SDCC. Twice. Didn't work as well as he hoped.
Follow him on @peterssvensson
Jesse James is the owner of Jesse James Comics in Glendale, AZ. He celebrates his 30th year reading and collecting comics. A third of his time he is hanging with his 17,000 + fans on Facebook, another third he his hanging with fans across the nation at conventions, and the last third he is a Fanboy blogger/writer hanging with the fans of Bleeding Cool. Somewhere in between he sleeps a little.
James "Skip" Harvey is a Geek. With a capital "G". Named after James T. Kirk, he comes from a long line of Trekkers, Whovians, Fanboys and Cosplayers. In 2012 he was "The Geek" in Morgan Spurlock's Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope, and is currently crafting a series of self-published comic projects. He also blogs at, hosts The Geeky Faucet podcast and is proudly covering both sides of the table at Comic-Con this year. He enjoys woodworking and Jazzercise.
Joshua Stone: I am a nerd from birth who has been collecting comics since they were still $.65. I am a father of two special needs boys and much of what I am and how I perceive things is shaped by this. This is my 10th SDCC, and I always try to do something different, so as a result of that this year I get the pleasure of covering the Con for Bleeding Cool (We totally cut Felicia Day out of this photo)
Follow him on @1NerdyOne
And while he's not at the show, here's a shout out for Mark Seifert of Avatar Press who will be performing wonderful service for Bleeding Cool during the week, monitoring Twitter feeds, uploading articles and generally keeping in touch with everything we miss! Here's to you, Mark!