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What Did Mary Jane Watson Really Say To Mephisto?
This was that famous scene, the deal with the devil, Aunt May brought back to life in exchange for Peter Parker and Mary Jane having their marriage wiped from existence.
With one condition. Mary Jane whispered something.
Later we discovered what that was.
Except… the Marvel DCU file of that issue (not the ComiXology version) allows you to zoom in on the bitmap vectors of the lettering, well below what a printed or an HD digital comic can show you.
And valued Bleeding Cool contributor Tom Huxley found that Mary Jane said something very different. And here it is.
A sentence superimposed on a reversed version of itself. The original text?
"You will make me remember everything."
Which is a very different take on things don't you think?
Brian Cronin claimed that the real words being revealed by zooming in on a digital version was false on his Comic Book Legends Revealed, but it seems he was distracted by an actual faked version rather than checking himself, as Tom did. But it was a faked version, it seems, based on the real version. Well done Tom!
If you want to check for yourself, you can subscribe to the Marvel DCU service or buy the comic digitally on ComiXology then read it through Marvel DCU…