SCOOP: Superman: The World with Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks, is a 2025 sequel to DC Comics' Batman: The World from 2021
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, dc, dccomicsrebirth, entertainment
DC Comics Rebirth: Trinity Comic To Return, Starring Batman, Superman And Wonder Woman
From 2008 to 2009, DC Comics ran a weekly series (right) called Trinity, written by Kurt Busiek and Fabian Nicieza and drawn by Mark Bagley, Art Thibert, Tom Derenick, Scott McDaniel, Mike Norton and friends.
Well, in the wake of the Batman V Superman movie and the DC Comics Rebirth, I understand that with the rumoured cancellation of the Batman/Superman and Superman/Wonder Woman comics, we will get a bi-weekly comic starring all three of them.
No creator credits yet, and I am advised to expect it a little later in the year however…. a kind of DC Afterbirth…
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