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McDonalds Condemned For Marvel Happy Meals
Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood have launched a campaign to petition to the CEO of McDonalds with a letter that reads;
I am writing to demand that you immediately pull your Marvel comic action figure Happy Meal promotion for preschool boys.
I am appalled that this promotion includes The Human Torch, a man on fire, and The Thing, which menacingly roars "IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!" at the press of a button.
Your decision to hand little boys the horrifying spectacle of a man engulfed in flames or a menacing figure that explicitly spurs them to violence calls into question McDonald's reputation as a family-friendly company. I urge you to end this promotion immediately.
The group state;
It's bad enough that McDonald's relentlessly uses junk toys to sell children on junk food. It's awful that this giveaway continues the troubling trend of fast food restaurants promoting toys linked to violent PG-13 movies. And it's terrible that McDonald's, the leading distributor of toys in the United States, relentlessly perpetuates the worst gendered stereotypes with its Happy Meal giveaways. During the current promotion, boys get violent action figures with their burgers and fries, while girls are offered cutesy animals that, bizarrely, come with hand bags.
We're not exactly sure whether it's the comic-book violence, the sexism, the advertising of the burgers themselves that are the focus of the attention.
What affect will this have? Probably none.
Here's some advertising for the same thing fifteen years ago.
And the cutest review you'll see of the new line;