Comics Archives

REmake/REmodel: Bakterev
Si Spurrier's Instructions: Bakterev is a nutty scientist created by Pavel Perov for his 1925 pulp novel Bratstvo Viia. I quote the ever-magnificent Jess
The Vorpal Blade That Killed Robin
Grant Morrison talks the death of Damian to the Huffington Post; I don't know if people have noticed, but the sword that kills him belongs to the very
From Robin To The Wren
   By Jason Connor I suppose the first question is, The Wren, who or what is it? The Wren, I created with Phil Roe and we publish it under Buttonpress
Crooks And Nannies And Kickstarter
J Caliafore writes; I love the idea of KICKSTARTER. It's why Gail Simone and I brought LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS there first. It's why I currently have another
Megacon Gets Jesse Jamesed
Jesse James writes; If there's one thing of note about MegaCon, it's that it represents the beginning of Con season for the year. And the advent of Con
Moments From FablesCon
An introduction from Fables creators; An introduction from Fables fans; Mark Buckingham and Bill Willingham
Marvel's Sphere Of Influence
Congratulations to Blackmeal for this rather impressive animation for all you Marvelheads out there...
The Massive Awakes
Alasdair Stuart writes: I'm a sucker for John Wyndham novels and my favorite by far is The Kraken Wakes. It’s not the most well-known Wyndham but it’s one
Magic Wind, Magic Markup The same colour Magic Wind series that is going to cost 13 dollars in the US, published by EpiCenter, will also
Gomez Of War
Alex Wilson writes; Joel Gomez is an independent comic book artist who has worked on licensed books, hero books, independent books, and even Kickstarter
In-Between Issues Of Revival
Alex Wilson writes; The eighth issue of Revival, written by Tim Seeley and featuring the art of Make Norton, continues to be one of my favorite books
The Life Of Brian Epstein
Alex Wilson writes; The Fifth Beatle is an upcoming graphic novel (along with film) coming out from Dark Horse, written by Vivek J. Tiwary and art by
When DC Tweets About John Stewart
Okay, this is a proper "final post of the night". Off to bed for me. But first, it seems that people have been on Twitter. Regarding a certain killing off