In today's Astonishing X-Men, Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins give us a big old fashioned superhero fight scene between these X-Men and the Marauders, both physical and mental In which Kyle, Northstar's boyfriend, find himself involved Which leads to this kind of conversation.
And this kind of confession from the sarcastic, cold hearted misanthrope.
astonishing x-men Archives
As opposed to this panel below:
In ASTONISHING X-MEN #48 new writer Marjorie Liu starts off her run on the book with a big no-no, forgetting the name of her lead character! Northstar has been around for almost thirty years now, and he's grown into quite the fan-favourite character and a great symbol for Marvel's liberalness[...]
Still, Marvel is asking is to forget all that and just clear our schedules to concentrate on reading Astonishing X-Men #51, by Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins.
Well, I suppose it is a same-sex wedding after all… Northstar and his partner Kyle I look forward to One Million Moms' response.
When people ask you to "save[...]
Especially the women.
Well, fresh from their "Clone Saga" scoop, is running with the news that Phil Jimenez will take over from Bianchi Simone on the Warren Ellis-written Astonishing X-Men, and that a free sketchbook on Jiminez art will be available in shops in September.
I think Superpouvoir has managed to get hold of Marvel's solicitations[...]