san diego Archives

Eating Breakfast With The Walking Dead
     Chris Thompson attended San Diego Comic Con for Bleeding Cool; When The Walking Dead shambles its way back on to TV screens later this year, the backdrop will shift from Hershel's farm to the infamous prison featured in the comic books For many fans this was a major turning point for the series as it[...]
Killing God With Matt Pizzolo
You may have even experienced (which is really the only way one can take it in, you don't "watch" it) one of the Godkiller illustrated films, available streaming on Netflix. This year in San Diego I was lucky enough to meet Matt Pizzolo, who not only writes comics but directs and is the principle organizer of[...]
Ten For Ten From Aspen In 2013
As a result, from February, they are planning to launch five new books and relaunch five books, Ten For Ten, once each month in 2013. It's a bit like DC's New 52, just New 10, and over ten months instead of one… Alex Wilson reported the following Aspen Wrap Up from San Diego for Bleeding Cool; There are[...]
Tales From The Table: My First Time At San Diego by Dirk Manning
He also contributes to Bleeding Cool with words and/or photos when the muse strikes him accordingly… Before going I get into the details of my first San Diego Comic Con, let me just say this, especially for people who have yet to ever attend "the big dance" or otherwise haven't attended it in recent years. San Diego[...]
A Wrinkle In Time Presents The Cage Match Of The Century
Mark Robert Bourne wrote for Bleeding Cool from San Diego Comic Con; When the schedule of panels for this year's Comic Con came out I was immediately drawn to one entitled "Wrinkle in Time." I read the classic novel for the first time in 5th grade and own one of the original editions in hardback –[...]
The Little Guys Of Comic Con
Will Romine wrote for Bleeding Cool from San Diego Comic Con; Now that the initial hubbub of Comic Con footage and breaking news has died down, I thought I'd give some ink to the little guys of the Con These folks don't get nearly enough recognition  The big boys of Comic Con roll in with their[...]
Malibu Comics – A Look Back at 20 Years of Independent Innovation
Mark Robert Bourne write for Bleeding Cool from San Diego Comic Con. 20 years ago, working from the back porch of Dave Olbrich's Southern California home, Tom Mason was viciously attacked by a deranged slobbering Squirrel Havoc ensued. Well, that's sort of what happened, if you told the story stone drunk. Actually, because Malibu Comics, then Malibu Graphics,[...]
Escape The Walking Dead With Grace Randolph
[youtube][/youtube] The Walking Dead Season 3 is fast approaching on AMC, but instead of a trailer why not live the experience with The Walking Dead Escape in San Diego during Comic Con? To celebrate The Walking Dead issue 100 and the upcoming The Walking Dead Season 3, this live action zombie obstacle course was built in[...]
San Diego Comic Con Gets Jesse Jamesed
I charged the floor at San Diego Con for the first time as a 12 year old boy in 1982  I had a clear head and no idea what to do or who was who  That was the greatest con I ever went to. Every year since, they have become a massive attempt at pre-planning chaos and mayhem[...]
Here Come The Boy Slaves At San Diego Comic Con
I don't know if its down to gendercrunching exposes, feminist critiques or increased air conditioning in the Show Hall. But apparently at San Diego Comic Con this year, there were more male Slave Princess Leias than female Princess Leias. Here was everybody's favourite, manning a booth at the show. I don't know if its down to gendercrunching[...]
Harvey Pekar – This Isn't The Comic Con My Parents Promised Me
Steve Robles wrote for Bleeding Cool from San Diego Comic Con The dream of just about any artist is to attain a solid measure of financial and artistic success and still retain their individuality and credibility. Few in the comics industry have achieved that goal as thoroughly as Harvey Pekar. Pekar wrote about his daily dealings with the[...]
Seeking Fulfillment From A Bryan Fuller T-Shirt
Steve Robles wrote for Bleeding Cool from San Diego Comic Con At the panel for Bryan Fuller, the man behind "Pushing Daisies", "Dead Like Me" and the new "The Munsters" reboot "Mockingbird Lane", I received a ticket for a t-shirt promoting his new NBC project "Hannibal" It's based on the early interactions between Thomas Harris' Det[...]
A Stuttering Start To Joe's Comics
Steve Robles wrote for Bleeding Cool from San Diego Comic Con As his very self-congratulatory promo video reminds me, J Michael Straczinsky is a very prolific man. His panel starts with a series of stops Technical difficulties bring a little levity to the room as JMS battles a faulty projector and bumbling technical staff to announce the[...]