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Trump Just Can't Get Over Oscars, Confuses Jimmy Kimmel, Al Pacino
It's bad enough that Donald Trump can't get over the Oscars - now, he can't tell the difference between Al Pacino and Jimmy Kimmel, either.
We all remember what went down last month near the end of ABC's 96th Annual Academy Awards broadcast between late-night host Jimmy Kimmel and ex-reality show host & multi-impeached ex-POTUS Donald Trump. With a minute or so to kill before Al Pacino made a total mess of announcing the nominees & winner for "Best Picture," Kimmel read what ex-reality show host & multi-impeached ex-POTUS Donald Trump posted about Kimmel's hosting job. After reading the message to the audience and jokingly asking them to guess which ex-POTUS wrote it, Kimmel offered the best response possible: "Isn't it past your jail time?" (clearly alluding to Trump's continuing legal woes). But for some reason, Trump just can't let it go – but worse than that, he's demonstrating that there could be some issues going on in his brain because he can't tell the difference between Kimmal and Pacino. Maybe it has to do with Kimmel's recent mocking of Trump for his confusing campaign appearances and him apparently falling asleep during jury selection on his hush money trial in New York City. Whatever the reason, Trump took to his version of "social media" to drag up a topic most of us moved on from a while ago.
"Stupid Jimmy Kimmel, who still hasn't recovered from his horrendous performance and big ratings drop as Host of The Academy Awards, especially when he showed he suffered from TDS, commonly known as TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, to the entire World by reading on air my TRUTH about how bad a job he was doing that night, right before he stumbled through announcing the biggest award of all, 'Picture of the Year.' It was a CLASSIC CHOKE, one of the biggest ever in show business, and to top it off, he forgot to say the famous and mandatory line, 'AND THE WINNER IS.' Instead, he stammered around as he opened the envelope," Trump posted – calling into question exactly what alt-reality Oscars he was watching since it was Pacino who fumbled the big award of the night. "Supposedly, his wife, and even management, begged him not to do it, 'DON'T READ HIS TRUTH, JIMMY, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS.' He was made to look like a FOOL, which he is, and at the same time go down in Television History as the WORST HOST EVER OF THE ONCE VAUNTED ACADEMY AWARDS!"
While we have a feeling that Kimmel will have more to share tonight, the late-night host took the best road possible – for now:
Of course, President Joseph Biden & Vice-President Kamala Harris's re-election campaign wasted no time mocking Trump on social media over his continued confusion:
"It kind of tells you all you need to know about Donald Trump. He wrote this because he was upset I didn't mention him on the show. No one mentioned him on the show. He wasn't getting any attention; he couldn't stand it. And so then the Adderall McFlurry kicked in, and he went right on. I wasn't planning to mention him at all. We were backstage, the show was almost over, and one of the other writers was like, 'Hey, look at this.' And to quote Al Pacino, just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. I had to read it," Kimmel explained, offering insight into Trump's "thought" process as well as what led to the decision to call him out during his Monday night show following the Oscars. "It's funny," Kimmel added. "We had John Cena on stage naked, and somehow Donald Trump still managed to be the biggest d**k of the night."
Speaking with Live with Kelly and Mark's Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Kimmel revealed that not everyone was on board with him going after Trump. With the show having some extra time to play with before revealing the biggest award of the night, Kimmel shared that reading Trump's post was something that he improvised – and something he was asked not to do. "They're like, 'You've got a little bit of time,' and I was like, 'I'm reading the Trump tweet,' and they're like, 'No, no, don't read that.' [I was like] 'Yes I am,'" Kimmel revealed, though not going into specifics regarding who it was that attempted to deprive us of that special moment. Here's a look back at Kimmel reading Trump's attempts at forming coherent sentences to offer a coherent thought about last night's Oscars – along with Kimmel's spot-on (and possibly foreshadowing) response: