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Repugnant – A Buffy The Vampire Slayer Definition
Bill Willingham wrote on CBR:
By intentionally allowing, encouraging in fact, the notion to exist among the comics reading public, that Whedon and Dark Horse are in any way steering, or influencing, the stories I help to produce in IDW's ongoing Angel series, Allie and Whedon are committing what is tantamount to taking credit for the work of others, a repugnant practice in any business, although I understand it is all too common in some.
Joss Whedon replied;
Chris Ryall has been great. He was very accommodating to do whatever would work for me [in regards to involving me in "Angel"] but unfortunately, what didn't work for me was work and I wasn't able to communicate with him that much beyond outlining that initial story. And there's been some confusion about all that, but everybody that I've dealt with has been very businesslike, gentlemanly, creative and cool…and really not, what's the word I'm searching for? Repugnant.
Just imagine being Chris Ryall, the IDW editor who realised that a) your big name writer has just insulted the key individual responsible for the very Angel license they are working on and that b) has just implied that, unlike what many assumed, the Angel series is no longer considered part of the Buffy continuity canon, unlike Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8.
Chris must be very grateful that Joss has such a sense of humour. And likes Fables.