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David Lapham To Write Crossed Volume 2: Family Values
Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows come to the end of their creator-owned series, Crossed, in a couple of weeks. A zombie-esque series, it sees the very worst of humanity brought forth in every infected individual, noted by the stigmata-like facial disfiguration.
But, in a rare move for creator-owned series, a new volume will begin later this year from a brand new creative team, David Lapham and Javier Barreno.
Lapham is best known for his creator-owned crime series Stray Bullets and his recently-cancelled Vertigo series Young Liars. While Barreno is known for his work on a number of BD albums.
And I have to say, by these covers alone, it looks just as nasty as the originals.

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