Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, robocop, terminator
Dynamite Pits Robocop Against Terminator Again With Rob Williams And PJ Holden (UPDATE)
Robocop Vs The Terminator by Frank Miller and Walt Simonson from Dark Horse is one of my favourite time travel stories of all time.
In July, Dynamite will be pitting two two mechanical film franchises against each other with 2000AD creators Rob Williams (oh all right, also of Ghost Rider) and PJ Holden, in Terminator/Robocop Kill Human, a new cross-franchise-over miniseries. It has big shoes to fill…
But will they be working against other… or with?
UPDATE: Dynamite have now provided us with the better high res images than what we just nicked off the Diamond website (who surprised a number of publishers by releasing July information today, hence all the press releases running around the place). And the cover we didn't have… is by Walt Simonson! Well, that nod to the earlier crossover has managed to get me to put down my four dollars in advance.