Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Batman, catwoman, Comics, dc, detective comics, fox, news, red hood, sex, starfire, violence, Washington
Fox News Slams DC Comics Over Sex And Violence
"Graphic violence and sex, that's what you'll find in the pages of DC Comics today."
That's how the Fox 5 News in Washington DC report began, taking on Catwoman, Red Hood and Detective Comics. But see if you can find the disconnect here.
"Today's superheroes would make Archie and Veronica blush" – Sherry Ly, Fox reporter.
"They more or less darkened the characters, today they introduced a lot of more reality, homosexuality, adultery" – Joe Blackwell, comic reader.
Like showing Archie married to Bettie and then Veronica, or a gay marriage on the cover? But that's a topic for another Fox 5 News report. This time they are concerned with
"Batman and Catwoman having sex on the rooftop. A drunken Bruce Wayne. Blood splattered battles with heads whacked off!…"
I don't think it's heads being whacked off that Neil Bernstein PHD, child psychologist, is worried about. He tells the station that it's
"fictionalised playboy for kids at its worst… too many kids would be put in harm's way, or at least at risk… it's a misrepresentation of reality. It sends the wrong message."
Jared Smith of Big Planet Comics goes to lengths to explain that these comics are labelled and targetted for teenagers or adults. Which leads to possibly the most hilarious line from Sherry Lee
"The comic books are rated Teen and Teen plus which means they're not meant for younger children. So we went to a middle school to see what the kids here thought."
That would be ages 11 to 15. And Sherri Ly decided to show these kids comics labelled for 16 years olds and over to get their reaction.
DC Comics wouldn't comment (tell me about it). But Big Planet Comics is also the store that DC Comics has been using as an example for their Free Comic Book Day retailer cover editions…
The CBDLF has also just launched an article on how to respond to a media attack inspired by the Bleeding Cool' original article over a trailer for this report.