Posted in: Comics, Digital, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics, mark waid, thrillbent
Thursday Runaround – "Then from Facebook, then Reddit, then Bleeding Cool" – Mark Waid
PayneWatch: The Independent feels the Payne
First issue After the Fall 'sheds new light on Max's life through key events from his troubled upbringing,' with the second issue Hoboken Blues furthering his shattered background. The series is set to culminate with its next issue, while it's worth noting that each book is not only free but co-written by Dan Houser who also authored the game's script.
See the official Max Payne 3 website for download links.
WarWatch: The story of Second Lieutenant Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Ngarimu is a new graphic novel released in English and Māori editions.
Titled 'Ngarimu – Te Tohu Toa'/'Victory at Point 209', the inspiring story tells how, on 26 March 1943 just before his 24th birthday, Ngarimu led a courageous attack on Point 209, a vital hill at Tebaga Gap in Tunisia. Under intense mortar and machine gun-fire, he led the assault up the hill personally destroying two German machine-gun posts on a crest of the hill. Despite being wounded twice during the night, he and his men defended their position from several counter-attacks.
The following morning during a particularly strong counter-attack, Ngarimu was killed. Later the same day, the Germans still on Point 209 surrendered.
CollaborationWatch: CNet looks at cross-continent comics collaboration.
Nicola Scott, also based in Sydney, has been a comic-book artist for 10 years, working on US-based DC superhero titles for six. Her oeuvre includes Birds of Prey, Secret Six, Superman and currently Earth 2, and she has also found that collaboration has been a strong area of improvement.
"This would have been really hard 10 years ago," she said. "It wasn't too long before then that companies in the US started feeling comfortable sending work out to artists not living locally. With almost every job I've had, I've been the first Australian that the company or editor has worked with. Every time it was a case of 'let's see how this goes'. FedEx made it possible to start, but now we have better (but not yet great) internet service, I can send large files reasonable quickly."
This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
MARK WAID » By request: Some Thrillbent Webstats
Sixty-one percent of our traffic is referral traffic. Most of it comes from this site, then from Facebook, then Reddit, then Bleeding Cool.
The Bill Finger Award for Excellence in Comic Book Writing
SAN DIEGO – Frank Doyle and Steve Skeates have been selected to receive the 2012 Bill Finger Award for Excellence in Comic Book Writing. The choice, made by a blue-ribbon committee chaired by writer-historian Mark Evanier, was unanimous.
The Alan Moore Interview | The Comics Journal
MOORE: Well, from my own personal point of view, it's not something that I consider a victory because I never really considered that I was waging a war. I mean, obviously I'm not speaking for Frank [Miller] or Howard [Chaykin] or Marv [Wolfman] or any of the other creators that signed the various petitions during the furor about the ratings system. But, for my part, it was never intended … well, as a conflict. It was simply a case of DC announcing that they were basically bringing in a new system, which I strongly disagreed with.
Ms. Magazine Celebrates Its 40th Anniversary –
On the cover of the first issue was Wonder Woman. Paul Levitz, who grew up to be president and publisher of DC Comics, remembers seeing copies of Ms. at DC Comics when he would go and hang out there after school.
Trade-event organizer Advanstar Communications has bought Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo a little more than a year after the fledgling Los Angeles convention was rebranded in a partnership with the legendary creator and POW! Entertainment. The second installment of the expo will be held Sept. 15-16 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.