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Kickstart From The Heart: Cromwell Green, Rex Nocturnus, Cloud Stories and RagnaroK
Bleeding Cool's Kickstarter Correspondent, Shawn Demumbrum has lead three Kickstarter campaigns to launch comic books, two successfully funded and one that wasn't. Each week he will point out some of the unique Kickstarter projects that wouldn't normally be published by the big comic book companies, but deserve your attention. Shawn is the Manager of Comic Book Programming for the Phoenix Comicon. He is currently working on the fourth "Inspired by" book based upon the Songs of Nine Inch Nails.
Project: Cromwell Green: A Spooky Comic Book Series
Creator: Michael S. Wooley
Concept: "Cromwell Green is a 15 year goth boy who loves music. He is from Krakenport. A little town in the corner of nowhere that just can't seem to stay quiet. Finding himself in situations he doesn't want to be in he and his friends often set out to take out monsters, mythical creatures, folklore legends and anything else that may rear it's ugly head."
Sweet Spot: Pledge $5 or more. "Get's your name in the Thank you's section of the First issue. You get a signed, first print of "Cromwell Green and The Curse of The Leper-Con's" Plus a mini print of the "Think Green in Thirteen" promo poster. "
Cool Zone: Pledge $150 or more: "Sketch of you in "Cromwell" style" plus 3 limited 11"x14" prints, copy of the comic and your name in the thank you section.
Tipping point: Has a real Roman Dirge feel to it which can't be bad.
So far: $831 of $2,000 with 6 days to go
Project: Rex
Creator: Liam Boyle and Scott K. Monteiro
Concept: "Rex Nocturnus is the story of Charly: an antagonistic, seafaring girl and her dogged attempts to destroy the giant shark, Rex Nocturnus, that ruined her life."
Sweet Spot: Pledge $10
or more. "Signed comic with your name in the thank you page."
Cool Zone: Pledge $200 or more. "Signed, sketched comic with your name in the thank you page plus a custom commission illustration by Scott K. Monteiro."
Tipping point: Moby Dick with a female protagonist and a shark.
So far: $3,945 of $1,000 with 6 days to go
Project: Cloud Stories, a new book by K. Thor Jensen
Creator: K. Thor Jensen
Concept: "When I started drawing again, the work I produced wasn't hindered by any expectations – I was just producing comic stories from some unexplored place inside me.
As I drew more of them, I started to notice a weird thematic undercurrent of clouds – atmospheric clouds, clouds of gas, clouded perceptions, clouds of information. As I explored these themes, new stories that touched on other aspects of them came to me. It's been invigorating and rewarding to develop these comics totally unconcerned with any commercial considerations.
Cloud Stories is going to be a dense, rewarding book. The material ranges from horror to memoir to slapstick comedy. The style of each piece varies wildly from the one before it. But as I finish these stories, I find they all mesh with each other and illuminate
each other."
Sweet Spot: Pledge $20 or more. Copy of the finished book.
Cool Zone: Pledge $500 or more: "Copy of Cloud Stories shipped to any address on Earth, cloud postcard and the original artwork for one entire story in Cloud Stories. I will send you a PDF before the book's release so that you can choose your story. Also your name in the Special Thanks section of the book."
Tipping point: First, the creators's name is Thor. Second, I'm a fan of themed anthologies and this is an anthology created by the same creator.
So far: $4,484 of $4,000 with 7 days to go
Project: RagnaroK
Creator: Jeffrey Jekrimo Morris
Concept: "The battle between Heaven and Hell has begun as a pair of twins find themselves stuck in the middle. Inspired by true events."
Sweet Spot: Pledge $5 or more. A signed copy of the comic.
Cool Zone: Pledge $100 or more. Comic! Doodle on the inside cover! I'll give you one of five original boards from the first issue.
Tipping point: The Battle between Heaven and Hell and it's inspired by true events. Weird enough for me to read the first issue.
So far: $1,062 of $777 with 8 days to go