Posted in: Comics | Tagged: avatar press, Comics, diamond, god is dead, jonathan hickman, mike costa, Previews. Enhanced Edition
Mike Costa Going Solo On God Is Dead
Word from on high is that Jonathan Hickman's God Is Dead will be on-going and bi-weekly starting with issue #7 in the December Previews. Also with the issue Hickman's co-writer for the first six issues Mike Costa will be going it alone on the writing duties.
When asked about the project and taking over the series, Costa had this to say:
Jonathan Hickman is one of the biggest names in comics right now, and his creator-owned work in particular is probably the most relentlessly creative and mind-bending stuff on the stands. It was a huge honor for me that he brought me on board of an original idea, and that he's passing the reins to me now as he goes on to write half of Marvel's catalog in the next year. I'm having a lot of fun playing in this deranged world he created.
When asked about what will be coming up in the series:
At the end of issue 6 there's a big game-changing moment, and issue 7 really takes that idea and runs with it. In a way, things seem to get better in issue 6, but we discover very quickly that, what seems at first like a happy ending instead only makes things much, much worse. I can't say too much without spoiling the story, but there's a reason the second arc is called "Armageddon." God is Dead was a from the very beginning a book about escalation, and we're about to go through the ceiling.
And his thoughts about working with Avatar Press:
I'd never gotten to work with Avatar before this project, and now that I'm part of the family that's just another thing I have to thank Hickman for. I did a panel with them at NYCC and I was sitting up there with some of the best writers in the industry. I was sitting up there next to Max Brooks for God's sake. And there's a reason why guys like Max and Garth Ennis and Alan Moore – guys who could go anywhere – choose Avatar. Because they publish the books than no one else will do. And not only do they take huge creative risks, but they really put their creative teams first.
Someone asked William Christiensen, the publisher, about potential movie deals and he said "I don't give a **** about Hollywood." That's when I knew I was home. Avatar isn't some IP farm publishing comics to be 22-page pitch documents for studio execs. They're never going to try to sand down the edges of a project to make it mass-media friendly. They only care about publishing good comics.
If you missed the first two issues of God Is Dead from Avatar Press then you are in luck. The publisher is offering up enhanced editions of each. The Enhanced Editions reprint the first two issues, are 32 pages with no ads and each includes a never before seen story in addition to the original content.
The books are available through Diamond's Previews Plus until Monday November 1st… so grab them now!
SEP138219 E GOD IS DEAD #2 ENHANCED ED (MR) (C: 0-1-2) (PP #1099
SEP138218 E GOD IS DEAD #1 ENHANCED ED (MR) (C: 0-1-2) (PP #1099