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Dynamite Comics No Longer On Diamond's Final Order Cut-Off FOC List

Dynamite Entertainmenr no longer has their comics on Diamond Comic Distributors' Final Order Cut-Off FOC List

Article Summary

  • Dynamite Comics are absent from Diamond's Final Order Cut-Off list, raising eyebrows across the industry.
  • Diamond, facing Chapter 11 bankruptcy, owes publishers millions, affecting comic distribution and sales.
  • Retailers notice missing Dynamite titles on FOC lists, sparking questions about future availability.
  • CEO Nick Barrucci admits oversight, leaving retailers uncertain about next week's FOC status.

Dynamite Entertainment has not sent anything to Final Order Cut-Off for Diamond Comic Distributors in weeks. Dynamite is a Diamond exclusive comic book publisher, in return for certain prominence and favours, Dynamite will only allow itself to be distributed in the US by Diamond. But Diamond recently declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy after not paying publishers, with Dynamite being listed as being owed $217,000, though I hear that has been revised upwards to around a quarter of a million dollars.

And now there has been no FOC from Dynamite on the 10th of February for comic books on sale on the 5th of March, nor today's 17th of February deadline for comic books being sold in stores on the 12th of March in stores. They also have no comic books coming through Diamond this week, for sale on the 19th of February, with only some backstock still in the system. With the departure of many publishers, Dynamite is currently the biggest, most prominent comic book publisher that Diamond has. And with comics such as ThunderCats and Silverhawks that are in heavy demand. However, they still haven't made any announcement that they are quitting Diamond or shifting to Lunar Distribution. Is that coming soon?

On the FOC Retailer Facebook forum, a few retailers have noticed and have been asking the obvious questions.  Retailer Dan Wallace tagged Vince Letterio and Nick Barrucci of Dynamite Entertainment and asked, "We did our Diamond FOC on Saturday, and there were no Dynamite titles listed. There still are no Dynamite titles there, but Green Hornet: Miss Fury #3 now has the FOC date listed as today, even though it's not available to order via the FOC form. Any idea what's going on? Is it supposed to be on FOC today? I'm not even sure if it's possible to order any ratio variants after initial orders without using the FOC form."

Dynamite CEO Nick Barrucci replied, "Unfortunately, there were no titles on FOC this past week for today… It is an oversight. There are no titles on FOC this week, and at this point, there may not be any this coming week." Retailer Brian Hibbs countered "This is an astonishing statement considering your companies are 328 of the 2953 line items in the FEB25 PREVIEWS — a bit more than 11%"

Will we find out more later this week?

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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