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CB Cebulski Vs Wizard Magazine
CB Cebulski is Marvel's full time Talent Manager these days. With a history of writing and publishing comics for himself, through Image and talking the ins and outs with creators and editors all day, he has a quite rounded experience of the comics industry as it is right now.
And he seems to have a bit of a mad-on for Wizard.
Wizard Magazine has had a long association with Marvel Comics. Todd McFarlane's Spider-Man appeared on the first cover and, while the mag flirted with Image, Marvel kept pumping them with stories, advertising, exclusive stories, comics and articles, and becoming a major attendee of their comic conventions. And when a Wizard reporter once inadvertently upset Marvel writer Chris Claremont, the reporter was gone. And the more Marvel spent on advertising, the more of its creators appeared in that hallowed Top Ten Artists list…
Of late however, things have cooled a bit. The internet has proved that Wizard is not as big a player as it used to be, with online alternatives emerging. And in conventions, Reed has proved quite the challenger. Marvel was absent from the recent Wizardworld Chicago Comic Con which boasting of their attendance at the rival Chicago convention from Reed, C2E2.
Well, today on Twitter, CB seemed to make it very clear. In a series of twits, he wrote;
More shoddy, sensationalistic reporting in the new Wizard. Let them retweet that as it seems this is where they're getting all their "news".
When Marvel's Jen Grunwald twittered about a podcast stating, incorrectly, that she was Mark Gruenwald's daughter, CB popped up with;
With that kind of misinformation, it wouldn't surprise me if it was a Wizard podcast
Friendly reminder folks… the upcoming Big Apple Con is NOT New York Comic Con. Completely different shows. The real NYCC is NEXT October.
While many of our amazing creators will be there, including our very own JoeQuesada, Marvel is not attending or participating in Big Apple
When I pointed up that Marvel did seem to be avoiding Wizard shows, CB replied;
I think the industry as a whole is allergic to Wizard these days. :)
Isn't it ironic the issue Amanda Conner's named the first female to WIzard's Top 10, we also get this:
I would have no problem with Wizard if they treated this industry and its creators with the respect, dignity and honesty they deserve.
We have enough stupid, petty backstabbing and bullshit in this biz already and don't need them undermining it further.
Expect a few more DC covers on Wizard in the future maybe? You know, I think I feel an "In Praise Of… Wizard" article coming on…