Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: grasshopper manufacture, The 25th Ward
The 25th Ward Is Getting A Remaster From Grasshopper
At BitSummit this weekend, Goichi Suda made the formal announcement that Grasshopper Manufacture will be creating a remastered version of The 25th Ward. Along with the teaser trailer below, the predecessor to The Silver Case (which was originally only available on mobile devices in Japan) will be localized and presented as one complete package as The 25th Ward: The Silver Case. The game is a kind of weird you don't see too often but had an amazing soundtrack and storyline that borders on Cowboy Bebop/Black Lagoon kind of territory for characters. The company also confirmed that the two bonus episodes from The Silver Case's PS4 port will be on Steam May 30, totally free! No release date was announced for the main game as of when this was announced.